Q1: Who are the Tri Murtis? Tri Murties are: 1. Brahma 2. Vishnu 3. Shiva Q2: What are their responsibilites of Tri Murties? 1. Bramha: Creation 2. Vishnu: Protection 3. Shiva: Destruction Q3: What are the Pancha pootha sthalas (Temples) of Lord Shiva? 1.Thiruvannamalai-Fire 2.Chidambaram-Space 3.Kalahasti-Air 4.Thiruvanaikka-Water 5.Kanchipuram-Earth Except the Kalahasti Temple which is in Andra Pradesh (AP) all others are in Tamil Nadu (TN). Q4: Who are the Ashta (Eight) Luxmys? 1. Dhana Luxmy 2. Dhanya Luxmy 3. Dhairya Luxmy 4. Gaja Luxmy 5. Vijaya Luxmy 6. Vidhya Luxmy 7. Veera Luxmy 8. Santhana Luxmy. Q5: What are the “Arupadai Veedu” of Lord Muruga? 1. Palani 2. Palamudhir Solai 3. Thirupparam Kunram 4. Thiruchendur 5. Swamimalai 6. Thiruthani. All of them aren in Tamil Nadu (TN), India Q6: According to Puranas, there are some immortal charactors, Who are they? 1. Aswattama 2. King Maha Bali 3. Sage Vyasa 4. Hanuman 5. Vipeeshana 6. Parasurama 7. Markandeya Q7: What are the five Sabhas where Lord Shiva Performs his Thandavas (Dances)? 1.Ratna Sabha at Thiruvalangadu. 2.Golden Sabha at Chidambaram 3.Silver Sabha at Madurai 4.Copper Sabha at Thirunelveli 5.Chitra Sabha at Thiru Kuttralam All temples are in Tamil Nadu, South India Q8: What are the virtues of Tulasi? Tulasi is liked by all devas. Tulasi water is equally virtuous as holy ganga water. Q9: What are the four Vedas? 1. Rig 2. Yajur 3. Sama 4. Atharva. Q10: What are the items suitable for the holy bathing of the idol at the Hindu Temple? Cow's Milk, Curd (yogurt), Ghee, Sandal Paste, Honey, Coconut water, Lemon Juice, Oil, Panchamirtham, turmeric powder, holy ash, fruit juices and Pancha Kavya are suitable. Q11: What is the virtue of Piradosha period? The periods from 4.30pm to 6.00pm on Thirayodhasi falling on waning moon days and waxing moon days are called Piradosha periods. It is a holy and auspicious period in which Lord Shiva performed his divine dance standing in between the horns of Nandi and gave Darshan to Devas. Hence, this period is called virtuous period. It is much approprite to go to the temple and worship Lord Shiva during this period. Q12: What is the meaning of Kalpa? 'Kalpa' is the measurement of a very long period of time calculated by our ancient sages. Like a minute, hour, day, month or year, Kalpa denotes a very long period of time. We try to explain it below: According to human calculation, 430 crore human years are equal to Lord Brahma's one day (12 hours). If we add another 430 crore years, it adds up to make one day and one night (24 hours). Thirty Brahma days give one Brahma month and 12 Brahma months give one Brahma year.A period of 100 such Brahma years are called one Kalpa. Thus one KALPA is equal to 430,00,00,000 2 30 12 100 human years. Q13: Which are the upper worlds? 1. Poolokha 2. Puwar Lokha 3. Suvar Lokha 4. Sana Lokha 5. Thabo Lokha 6. Kaa Lokha 7. Sathya Lokha Q14: Which are the nether worlds? 1. Athala Lokha 2. Thala Lokha 3. Suthala Lokha 4. Tharathala Lokha 5. Mahathala Lokha 6. Rasathala Lokha 7. Pathala Lokha Q15: What are the names of Navagrahas? 1. Sun 2. Moon 3. Mars 4. Mercury 5. Jupiter 6. Venus 7. Saturn 8. Rahu 9. Kethu. Q16: What are the holy names of 'Shri Rama'? 1. Shri Kosalai Rama 2. Dhasaratha Rama 3. Shri Santhana Rama 4. Yagna Rama 5. Shri Pavithara Rama 6. Shri Kothanda Rama 7. Shri Kalyana Rama 8. Shri Janaki Rama 9. Piratharu Vathsala Rama 10. Shri Parakrama Rama 11. Utharaguna Rama 12. Kausalya Rama 13. Seetha Rama 14. Shri Anantha Rama 15. Moksha Pala Piratha Rama 16. Dharaka Nama Rama 17. Shri Rama 18. Shri Dhukka Nasaka Rama 19. Shri Raghurama 20. Shri Saranagathi Retchaka Rama 21. Shri Sethurama 22. Shri Karunakara Rama 23. Shri Jaya Rama. Q17: Who are the four eminent saints of Saivaism? Appar Sundarar Sampanthar Manickavasagar. They were among the 63 nayanmars who devoted therir life to Lord Shiva. These four sung devotional songs (Devarams) on Lord Shiva. Q18: Who are the 12 vaishnava saints 1. Poikai azhvar 2. Poothathazhvar 3. Peyaazhvar 4. Thirumazhisaiyaazhvar 5. Mathurakavi azhvar 6. Nammaazhvar 7. Kulasekaraazhvar 8. Periyaazhvar (Vishnu siththar) 9. Aandal (Surumbaar kuzhal kothai) (Female) 10. Thondaradippodi aazhvar (Vippira narayanar) 11. Thiruppaanaazhvaar Q19 Eight Directions and the Lords of Them 1. East : Indra 2. West: Agni 3. South: Yama 4. North: Niruthi 5. North East: Varana 6. South West: Vayu 7. South East: Kubera 8. North West.: Eesana Q20: What are the Navaratnas? 1. Diamond 2. Sardonyx 3. Emerald 4. Pearl 5. Carbuncle 6. Sapphire 7. Topax 8. Lapis Lazuli 9. Coral.