Absent of God

Discussion in 'Atheist Forum' started by Muslim_boy, Aug 7, 2015.

  1. Muslim_boy

    Muslim_boy New Member

    If there is really a God then why he created us this universe ?
  2. Ignorant

    Ignorant New Member

    well who told u god created universe ?
  3. Muslim_boy

    Muslim_boy New Member

    Then who created who ? If none created none they void should be present why this universe ?
  4. Senthil

    Senthil Active Member Staff Member

    God is.
  5. Muslim_boy

    Muslim_boy New Member

    What God is . (Dot)
  6. Senthil

    Senthil Active Member Staff Member

    God exists. In Hinduism God is beyond definition, beyond the mind, and more. There is no single understanding, yet all understandings are correct in their own way, even yours.
  7. Muslim_boy

    Muslim_boy New Member

    So basically according to you God have no special theology and you can't define god :(
  8. deafAncient

    deafAncient New Member

    There's nothing wrong with not being able to define it. It is what it is.
  9. Muslim_boy

    Muslim_boy New Member

    Neti-Neti not this not this. But then what? What is God? How do you identify God
  10. Senthil

    Senthil Active Member Staff Member

    You don't. We told you that already. Can you define God? If you can, maybe we can too.
  11. deafAncient

    deafAncient New Member

    Has it occurred to you that YOU ARE GOD? It's like you wake up one day, and you realize that you are god. Not in the sense, though, that "Oh, I'm Allah resurrected! Everyone shall worship me at the Kaaba henceforth." Rather, in the sense that "Oh, what I thought was god is actually me, with the distorted, mirrored reflection of myself removed so that I can see myself. I am a part of it, and it is a part of me, and yet, that is not an accurate way to say this."
  12. Rudra Tartare

    Rudra Tartare New Member

    Just because we don't have a theoloy of god, doesn't mean we are believing a fake identity.
    It's reasonable for us to not know all the answers about god for we are just a bit of his mighty creation.
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