Cloning is scientific process of creating an exact replica of any living being with same face, same body and same genetic structure. Clone can be created from a single cell and thus, thousands and millions of replica can be created. Animal cloning was done successfully in 1997, human cloning is prohibited. Cloning is a dangerous technique since it gives ultimate freedom to biologists to create any living being according to their choice and will, thus imposing great danger to society. In Vedic ages, cloning of animals were done by sages (Scientist cum seers) to clone species of powerful horses and productive cows. >>>Cloning was successfully done by the three brothers, the famous Rubhus mentioned in RigVeda. Rubhus are mentioned as brothers (Rubhu, Vajra and Vibhu) who brought youthfulness to their old parents (They must have used ayurvedic recipes to bring back youthfulness. So much literature about such recipes exist even today but is neglected).They produced a horse from another horse and a cow from the skin of a cow. Dr. Padmakar Vishnu Vartak, M.B.B.S., F.U.W.A.I., Ph.D. (Lit) [Washington DC]) told this discovery to in the first meeting of the Veda Vidnyana Mandal in 1976; but everybody laughed, saying if the modern science can not do it, how is it possible for the Vedic people? However after 21 years Cloning was performed in the modern world in 1997 when a lamb was produced from udder of a sheep, which is a part of skin. Therefore the Vedic principle of cloning appears correct. It proves that the Vedas have recorded only the principles on which we have to work hard. Seven different sages of different generation Kanva Medhatithi (1-20), Angirasa Kutsa (1-110,111), Deerghatamas (1-161), Vishvamitra (3-60), Vamadeva (4-33), Vasistha Maitravaruni (7-48), and Shrunu Arbhava (10-176) mentioned about Rubhus in their vedic verses. He cloned by dividing a cell or zygote in four parts. >>The first work of Rubhus was to bring back youthfulness to their old parents. This is mentioned in multiple verses of Rig Veda (1-20-4, 1-110-8, 1-161-7, 4-33-3, 4-34-9, 4-35-5, 4-36-3) >> The second work was to produce two powerful horses. First they created a horse (named Hari). Then they produced another horse which is a clone of Hari (Rigveda 1-161-7, 4-33-10, 1-111-1). >> The third work of Rubhus was on cows and their first step was to produce a cow which yielded copious milk. (RigVeda 1-20-3). Probably cows in that generation did not yield enough milk and to meet the demand, cloning was done.They mention about a method where skin from cow’s back in taken and cells are multipled from it to produce a new cow (named Viswaroopa) which looks alike. One verse clearly states time needed to clone a cow is one year (RigVeda Book 4, Hymn 33, Verse 9). There are many cloning stories which indicates cloning has been done like Story of Vena whose dead body was used from where King Prithu was born, who lately went to become universal guardian and so earth was called Prithvi. 2nd story is of Rakhtbeej - The cloning demon through blood cells. It might be cloning from the white blood corpuscles, which contain nuclei. 3rd story of Sita, where Lord Agni seeing the future that Sita would be kidnapped by Ravana, so a trick was played by creating a replica of Sita and after defeating Ravana, Sita's illusion was kept secret and was sent back to Agni. Sita got a boon and she came back again during Mahabharata period as Draupadi, who was born out of fire This story is missing in Valmiki Ramayana but could be found in Kurma Puran, Brahmabaibarta Puran. During the experiment, eldest brother(Rubu) said, “ we can make two cells from the original one ” (4-33-5). However, the younger(Vajra) brother said, “ We can make three” , because he observed that when one cell was divided into two, there were three cells.The youngest brother(Vibhu) observed and said , “ We can make four ”, as second cell also can be divided equally like the first. Rubus were also automobile engineers There are even examples of abnormal cloning. Nishada, though an abnormal clone, could live long and could produce children. His tribe was known after his name and King Nala (of the famous Nala-Damayanti story in Mahabharata) and Ekalavya were his descendants. MODERN CLONING: Such experiments are done in the modern science and four animals are produced from a single zygote. Cloning causes severe animal suffering. Despite years of research, over 95% of cloning attempts fail, even with extensive veterinary intervention.Birth defects, physiological impairments, illness, and premature death continue to be the norm, not the exception, with cloning. Seemingly healthy clones have unexpectedly developed problems. 67% of Americans disapprove of cloning animals for food. Disapproval increases to 88% when respondents learn that animal suffering is involved. Numerous dairies, organic foods producers, and retailers have declared that they do not want to use products from cloned animals or their offspring. The public is worried about the moral and ethical implications of animal cloning So, seeing so many references we can safely assume that cloning roots are in ancient India.