Never heard of moshka, sorry. Nothing came up when I google it either, other than some type of fly. But that was vague. Non-dual awareness simply means that there is a singular reality pervading all that exists.
I meant moksha or liberation. When one becomes liberated does he achieve non dual awareness, and do some people have this are not liberated?
Moksha simply means release from the cycle. It is an outcome of non-dual realisation, which is different from non-dual awareness. Realisation is permanent, and the other is just an insight into it.
YES , it is the same thing. Realizing non duality and liberating ones ego from dualistic afflictions is the same thing as Moksha.
Nonduality means 'not two' or non-separation, It is the sense that all things are interconnected and not separate. Nonduality gives you a bigger perspective on life, a greater sense of freedom, and brings you a more stable happiness. Moksha means mukti or release from the cycle of death and rebirth or reincarnation and all of the suffering and limitation of worldly existence. It is a state of absolute freedom, peace and bliss, attained through Self-Realization.
What do you think Self Realizaiton is? Its all the same thing, when you realize the true self, you will realize it is non dual and beyond thoughts which lead to attraction and repulsion , thus you move beyond body as a limited experience. These are different words for the same experience , explained from a different angle. There is no permanent release of cycles of energy being reborn somewhere else, its just a momentary state, so you can realize the true nature of reality. Energy is eternal, afterlife was even known by Egyptians way before the Vedic civilization. There are many places to go after we leave this body. There are many names for God , yet it is only Light that we speak of in a different way. So , they are the same, just like there are many languages , there are many ways to explain the same thing.
There are differing views throughout the many schools of Hinduism. Some make more sense to individuals than others, Most people have explored these things far enough to know what they personally think. Therefore, the idea of debating it in order to prove, 'I'm right and you're wrong.' is a rather pointless exercise.