Relationship factor corrupts the mind in many ways. The king of Hastinapur becomes promoter of injustice for the benefit of his sons and Arjuna drops the idea of fighting injustice only because opposite side has some relatives and kinsmen. Many virtuous persons often resort to corrupt practices for the benefit of their kith and kin. The cause of rising wickedness in the world is this relationship factor. A terrorist or an extremist is forgiven for his misdeeds only because he belongs to same community. Barbarity and injustice flourish on such communal feelings. If a person or warrior like Arjuna hesitates to fight for righteousness infatuated by the same feelings he needs an admonition. Krishna exhorts him to shun this type of unmanliness and paltry faint-heartedness and tells him that the wise men do not sorrow over the dead or the living.