Calculate Death Date

Discussion in 'Hinduism' started by Punit Garg, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Punit Garg

    Punit Garg New Member

    The sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening, the night is certain after the day likewise death is certain after birth. So death should be the best friend of life. Sooner or later we all have to meet it, hug it. Sankrachariya says:

    Yavatjanan tavan-marann tavojanani-jathore shayonam.
    There is nothing constant in this changing universe, only death is.

    ✒ If one can know when he is going to die, can finish many pending works and prepare him/herself for that time. In ancient time the sages can say exact date and time of their departure. There are lots of examples in the scriptures where sages foretold their death. In modern days we forgot these techniques but still they exists hidden from our material eyes. Some of the techniques to calculate how near is death are-

    ✒ In the first day of month or year or fortnight (paksha , पक्ष) if same volume of breath is going through the both nostrils (eda and pingala) for day and night constantly, the person will die after 3 years from that date.

    ✒ In the first day of month or year or fortnight (paksha , पक्ष) if air goes though right nostril (eda) for two days and two nights continuously, the person will die after 2 years from that date.

    ✒ In the first day of month or year or fortnight (paksha , पक्ष) if air goes through the right nostril (eda) for three days and three nights continuously, then the person will die after 1 year from that day.

    ✒ In the first day of month or year or fortnight (paksha , पक्ष) if air goes through right nostril in night and air goes through left nostril in day continuously then that person will die within 6 months.

    ✒ In the first day of month or year or fortnight (paksha , पक्ष) if air goes through right nostril only (day & night) that person will die within 15 days.

    ✒ In the first day of month or year or fortnight (paksha , पक्ष) to the 16th day if air goes through right nostril all the time then that person will die at the last day of that month.

    ✒ In the first day of month or year or fortnight (paksha , पक्ष) if a person discharge stool, urine, sperm and fart at the same time then that person will die within 10 days.

    ✒ The person who can’t see his/her nose will die in 3 days.

    ✒ The person who can’t see his tongue will die in 1 day.

    ✒ While fill the ears with fingers a continuous sound is heard, it is natural sound. The person who didn’t hear the sound will die within 1 month.

    ✒ The person who didn’t feel pain pressing teeth and skin will die within 3 months.

    ✒ There are many more signs which indicate the exact time of death. If someone masters the berating pattern he can predict his death accurately with the help of the above technique. The accurate technique amongst all and common to everyone is:

    ✒ Fist (close all the finger like punch) the right hand; put it at the same distance of noes from eyebrow on the forehead, now look at the portion of the wrist alike, the hand will looks very thin connecting the fist, and its normal. When a person sees the fist and the hand separate he has six months left on this birth.

    Knowing the date of death one has time to prepare himself or herself for the departure. In Bhagwat Gita Sri Krishna says:

    yam yam vapi smaran bhavam tyajaty ante kalevaram
    tam tam evaiti kaunteya sada tad-bhava-bhavitah - 8.6

    Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, O son of Kunti, that state he will attain without fail.
    Maharaja Bharat thinks about the deer while death and take birth as deer calf. There is a famous saying “tapa japa britha karo, marite janile hoi” means tapa and japa (chunting) are useless, unless one should know how to die. During death one should leave all the material desire and leave body thinking of God. Sri Krishna says:

    anta-kale ca mam eva smaran muktva kalevaram
    yah prayati sa mad-bhavam yati nasty atra samsayah ~ Gita-8.5

    And whoever, at the end of his life, quits his body, remembering Me alone, at once attains My nature. Of this there is no doubt.

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