Confidence in God vs. Self-Confidence

Discussion in 'Hinduism' started by Datta Upasaka, Sep 26, 2016.

  1. Datta Upasaka

    Datta Upasaka Member

    The fundamental slip is to think that the fruits of one’s action are achieved solely by sincere and continuous efforts that are done with full self confidence. This is fundamentally wrong and as is seen many times in our lives, we fail to achieve the fruits we intend to by sincere efforts and self-confidence. These failures cause tensions and spoil one’s health.

    This wrong fundamental concept should be rectified by the correct fundamental concept. The fruit is given by God and is not solely due to the effort you make or the self-confidence you maintain during your effort. This does not mean that God will give you the fruit without effort. Your efforts must be sincere and continuous as in the case of any hard-working soul. But, you should also know that the generator of the fruit is neither your effort nor your self-confidence. You must put in your effort with utmost sincerity in a continuous way.

    You should simply replace your self-confidence by the confidence in God and know that the fruit is always given by God.

    Once you do this, the failure of your effort does not cause any tension in you. This is simply because you have realized that your effort is not the sole generator of the fruit.

    Such right knowledge removes your wrong impression that the generator of the fruit is your sincere and continuous effort. If you maintain this concept continuously, you will never become tensed comes due to failure of your effort. You will simply think that God did not give you the fruit you intended to achieve since some better fruit is going to be given by Him in due course of time.

    - By Datta Swami, Universal Spirituality

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