There are 84 lakh species which are categorised in 3 parts. Water, Air, land. Soul passes from all species and gets a body of a mother cow or bull before getting a body of a human. Cows are innocent and so their nature in the form of Jivaatma enter the next body which is of a human, humans are suppose to be born humble, loyal, loving etc as they come with the nature of the most innocent living on Earth which are the mother cows and bulls however when they die a cruel way in the name of FESTIVAL or business, that cruelty remains within their Jivatma while entering a human body. Cruel death of mother cows gives rise to Cruel humans, revenge is been taken by jivatmas. As mentioned in Manuamriti.... Manuamriti verse 5.55 Me he (mansah) will devour in the next (world) whose flesh I eat in this life, the wise declare this to be the meaning of the word flesh/mans. These words were chanted in the ears of those animals before sacrifice, informing the sacrificial living creature, allow me to chop you and you too chop me/ kill me in my next life, even if this mantra is not chanted the revenge of killing the butcher in next life is for sure because the earlier verse says. 5.51 He who permits, He who cuts, He who kills, He who buys or sells, He who cooks, He who serves, He who eats, all be considered slayer. Now we can get an idea how the world is getting filled with cruel people, specially the ISIS, militants, gundaraj etc around the world. Feeling sorry for those innocent lives lost but the truth is. They die among their own community, among their own people and the entire world knows about them. ||HaRe KrisHnA||