"Kaamat turanam na bhayam na lajja" When Kaam (desire or lust) conquers human, they do not fear nor would they feel ashamed. Off-course the rapist should be given a painful death if there is such provision in our society, still there would be rapes. Why? -Vedic Scripture says, when there is lust or desire the person would never think of any law but would make plans to fulfill his/her desires. Is it the law which can stop rapes? -Until the root isn't ban completely there can't be any law to stop such crimes. The Government does whatever to stop rape within our society but still the society would suffer with such crimes & the root cause is our mind, corrupt mind due to corrupt ahar/food, its only food which can develop mind & intelligence, until food is impure our mind remains impure. Until Slaughter house, Chinese restaurants or other restaurants, wine shops, bars etc are not been shut down completely every law to stop rape would sound like a fairy tale. After consuming non-veg, booze, fag, watching uncensored videos and then desire to change the society? Sitting with our family members, daughters & sons watching television with naked women/mens dancing & desire to change others? It is we who need to change first, our purity should be an inspiration to others, truth is liked by everybody, when we are pure others would desire to be like us, they would start changing themselves. If any female gets raped, we are more responsible then the rapist to allow such crime to happen due to western cult influence and acceptance. Why did wine shops, bars, slaughter house came in picture? Crimes took place rapidly after British Raj & Nehru Raj. Its was only after our mother cow were been killed in slaughter house & we were/are fed with jerseys milk, the crimes started multiplying. Until there were mother cows, her milk kept us pure, strong mentally & physically. When she was send to slaughter house her tears & blood were/are the reason for our sufferings. We are fed with jerseys milk. (Jersey is an animal, cross bread of pig & some animal cow look alike, her milk is only good for piglets not humans, pigs enjoy wandering in dirt as part of Gods creation & so after drinking jerseys milk we behave like pigs wandering in bars & in the Ocean of sins filled with corpse of innocent birds & animals for the sake of taste. Shrimad Bhagwad Gita says -"Dukhecha Sukh manena", we find happiness even in sufferings, we enjoy all impurities and Ignorance. Our desi mother cows milk had the power, taste of purity, humanity, culture, respect, spirituality, love, patriotism & jerseys milk is already proven poison which we need not test anymore but can be observed just by seeing THE SUFFERING OF OUR OWN SOCIETY. Via : Dhaval Yash Das
Namaskāra Admin, Please show a link where it explains what you said about Jersey milk. By the way, Most non-human milk is not suitable for human consumption, as it has a coarser grade of calcium intended for large bodies needing support from heavy weight-bearing bones. By the time the average person gets the milk, it has been pasteurized, treated, and stored in such a way that its true rotted nature doesn't become evident for a week or more. The cholesterol from dairy is not in a form that our bodies can use, so it just floats around in our bodies, eventually lining our arteries. Human cholesterol is made within our bodies and have specific functions within our body. Another problem is that milk requires rennet to digest and absorb milk or any dairy product. The ability to digest milk becomes very vestigial or limited after 3-6 years of age in a human child. What happens to the undigested milk? You get mostly the water portion and maybe some of the nutrients (remember, processed and exposed to oxygen, making it no longer fresh or viable), and the rest is passed out. The third thing is that I became vegan partly for these reasons, but later became vegan by looking at myself in the mirror and asking myself, "Can I live with unilaterally giving myself the "right" to enslave an animal to steal its production, away from the calves it was intended for, and stealing the eggs of the hens which were intended to be impregnated by the roosters, forcing it to lay egg after unneeded egg, after looking at the cow, the calf, and the hen face-to-face?" That's what did it for me. I feel that I have NO RIGHT to interfere in such animals' lives. You must also remember that the most important thing sustaining our bodies, keeping us alive and sustained as sthūla bodies, it energy. All the nutrients do is traverse our bodies and then transmit the energy contained within to the body tissue directly receiving that particular molecule of that nutrient. Specific nutrients like vitamins, minerals, etc. are but keys that make tissues with easier access to nutrients than deeper tissues reject them so that the deeper tissues can access and use them. At some point, the energy is transferred from the nutrient to the body structure, and the nutrient then become waste material for the body to eliminate. The odd thing is, current blood tests cannot tell whether nutrients are on their way in in the energizing state or are on their way out in the spent state. What if it's the blood profile of someone eating a very acidic dietary, necessitating the secretion of calcium and other alkaline minerals from the bones to neutralize the acidity of the blood, and not from consumption of dairy products? I know of people who found this out too late. "Medical science" is still in a very primitive state in terms of understanding how nature really works, never mind how it works at the sūkṣma body level. Praṇāma