Do we believe in reincarnation?

Discussion in 'Hindu' started by Hindu, Feb 23, 2015.

  1. Hindu

    Hindu Member Staff Member

    Yes, reincarnation is one of the core beliefs of Hinduism. Reincarnation is closely tied to the Law of Karma. In this life process of being born again, what continues life is our soul. Our soul is the part within us that is immortal. The soul is indestructible. It is not affected by the disease nor death of the body. The soul or..... atma is the most spiritual part of us. It is our primal identity that God created directly out of Himself. Whereas our body came through our parents our soul came out of God. Thus all souls are children of God.

    The atma goes through cycles of reincarnation on earth to grow spiritually. All our souls share the same goal of life. That is to return to God. My guru used to quip, "just like.a how rain drops originated from the oceans, our soul was created by God directly from His Being. Just like how the rain drop eventually falls on earth and merges back into the mighty ocean as a river flows into the ocean, our soul is born on earth many... times but will eventually make its way back to reunite with God."

    This is the ultimate goal of all souls without exception. This profound understanding of life means that no soul is ever lost nor ever becomes eternally damned in a place called hell. Instead all souls will eventually find their way back to God. This is why God created the process of reincarnation. God doesn't expect to perfect ourselves in the short span of one lifetime. Instead he gives us limitless chances to experience life on earth and learn from these experience. This learning is what makes us grow spiritually. In this process karma plays the most important role. For according to how we have lived one life, the next life is determined.

    The end to the process of reincarnation comes when we have fully experienced all that life can offer us on earth and our soul has reached a spiritual maturity whence it then 'qualifies'..... itself for graduation. When the soul reaches this stage of life on earth it will then achieve moksha at the point the body expires. Moksha is liberation from the cycle of birth and death on earth. After moksha the soul will continue life in the ever blissful heavenly realms until the soul finally merges... with God in complete oneness.

    Sometimes non-hindus ..........who do not understand the process of reincarnation claim that reincarnation is an endless process. That it continues to eternity and as souls we are stuck in it. This is wrong. Reincarnation ends in moksha and according to Hindu scripture and gurus all souls will achieve moksha.
  2. deafAncient

    deafAncient New Member

    What about the idea that Moksha can be reached during the last lifetime, via release from ignorance, pre-conditioning, and karmic baggage, and the person lives for another 10-15-30 years?
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  3. I see reincarnation as a belief as old as time. If it weren't for the Abrahamic monotheistic religions dominating everything in Western civilization, there would be countless people embracing reincarnation.
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  4. Hindu

    Hindu Member Staff Member

    law of energy can be used for recarnation concept.
    Energy(soul) can neither be created nor be destroyed but it can be changed from one form (body) to another form(body)
    Now what bhagwat geeta says
    Soul(energy) is immortal , it cannot be created , it cannot be killed but he takes one body(form) and moves to another form
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  5. Hindu

    Hindu Member Staff Member

    Moksha as per me is the submersion of atma/soul (energy) to the paramatama/supreme soul (ultimate energy)
    karmic balance have to be maintained so that you become eligible for submersion in the ultimate.
    just like one form of energy need some type of conditions to get converted to another form.
    whats your take on it?
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