Ever tried to find out why babies cry when they come out from mother's womb?

Discussion in 'Hindu' started by Hindu, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. Hindu

    Hindu Member Staff Member

    Garud Puran explains - After the 7th month inside mothers womb the baby/jivatma remembers his past lives, jiva finds himself between flesh & maal/dirt within the womb. Jiva starts praying to Bhagwan Vishnu, prayers to get himself out from the womb, jiva remembers all the sins he/she commited in previous lives & later says, when I am out I would serve the lotus feet of bhagwan Vishnu, these prayers are recited by jivatma in a babys body who is suffering in the womb (Prayers are mentioned in Garud Puran Chapter 6- verse 16 to 26) by his grace in the 10th month, krishikalp pushes the child downwards to take birth from the mothers womb, jiva suddenly would loose all his memories after coming out, forgets the prayer which was recited for bhagwan Vishnu within the womb, when the jiva's memory gets erased he/she starts crying.
    BY: Dhaval Yash Das

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