Few Reasons why Hinduism prefers VEGETARIANISM

Discussion in 'Hinduism' started by garry420, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. garry420

    garry420 Well-Known Member

    Do we have to kill to live?
    Did you know that Elephants are vegetarians?

    The five main grounds among the innumerable reasons for being a vegetarian are

    a. Virtue of Ahimsa

    b. Dharmic/Spiritual Law

    c. Spiritual Consciousness

    d. Health

    e. Ecological reasons

    Many Hindus believe in the cardinal virtue of ahimsa or nonviolence and choose to remain vegetarian.

    DHARMIC/SCRIPTURAL LAWWe violate The DHARMIC/SCRIPTURAL LAW of In the Vedic scriptures, Hinduism has upheld the sanctity of human and animal life. They assert that it is a violation of Dharmic law and there are KARMIC CONSEQUENCES OF OUR ACTIONS.

    SPIRITUAL CONSCIOUSNESS Food is the source of the body's chemistry, and what we consume affects our consciousness and emotions. By consuming the grosser chemistries of animal foods, one introduces into the body and mind, anger, jealousy and anxiety. For these reasons, Shakaharis (Vegetarians) live in higher consciousness than the Mansaharis (Non-vegetarians).

    Medical studies prove that a vegetarian diet is easier to digest, provides a wider range of nutrients and imposes fewer burdens and impurities on the body. Vegetarians are less susceptible to all the major diseases and thus live longer, healthier lives.

    Planet earth is suffering due to the escalating loss of species, destruction of rain forests to create pasture lands for farm animals. This has all been traced to the single fact of meat in the human diet. Many seeking to save the planet for future generations have made this decision for this reason alone to be vegetarians.

    Vegetarian diet reduces the risk of heart attack, prevents cancer, lowers blood pressure, prevents diabetes, asthma and many more illnesses. Vegetarians, are rapidly growing in numbers all around the globe.

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