[table] NAME | MEANING Rahul | Son of Lord Buddha, Efficient, Capable, Conqueror of all miseries/sadness Raj | King, Rule, Kingdom, Monarch Rajan | King Rajendra | A mighty king Rajinder | The emperor, King of Kings Rajiv | Lotus Flower Rakesh | Lord of the night, Moon Ramesh | Ruler of Rama, Lord Vishnu Rameshwar | Lord of Rama Ranjit, Ranjeet | The delighted one, Victorious, One who is entertained Ravi | Sun Ritesh | Lord of Seasons, Lord of truth Rohan | Ascending, Sandal wood, Healing Rohit | Red, The sun's red light, First rays of the sun Rudra | The terrible, Lord Shiva [/table] [table] NAME | MEANING Sachin | Pure, Lord Shiva, Existence, Essence Sameer, Samir | Early morning fragrance, Breeze, Wind, Entertainer Sanjay | Dhritarashtra's charioteer, Triumphant Sankara | Auspicious Sarvin | Best Archer, God of Love Satish | Ruler of hundreds, Victorious, One who speaks truth, Sati's husband, Lord Shiva, Sunrise Satyen | Lord of the truth Shankar | Lord Shiva, God Shankar, He who gives happiness Shantanu | Whole, A king of Hastinapura in the epic of 'Mahabharata', Father of Bhishma, Peace loving Shashi | Moon Sher | The beloved one or a Lion Shiv | God Shiva Siddarth | One who has accomplished his goal, Buddha Siddhran | Perfection Som, Somu | The moon Somnath | Lord of the moon, God Shiva Subhash | Soft Spoken Subodh | Sound Advice, Spiritual Intelligence Suman | Cheerful and wise Suresh | The ruler of the gods, Lord Indra Surya | The sun Suryakant, Suryakanta | Loved by the sun, Glowing, Good Looking, A jewel Sushil, Susheel | Good charactered man, Well-behaved Swami | Lord, Master Swapnil | Dream like, Seen in a dream, Dreamy [/table]