Hindu baby girl names k list below: [Table] Name - Meaning Kaasu - Gold Coin; Money Kadal - Sea Kahta - Pure Kajal - Black; Eyeliner; Kohl Kajel - Beauty Kajol - Eye Liner; Mascara Kajri - Cloud Like Kaksi - Perfume Kalai - Wrist Kalgi - Feathers on a Peacock's Head Kalka - Durga; Pupil if the Eye Kalki - Star Kalya - Praise Kamal - Lotus Kamla - Lotus; Goddess Lakshmi Kamli - Lotus; Goddess Saraswati Kamma - Loveable; Desire Kamna - Desire Kamya - Beautiful Kanai - Contentment Kanak - Gold Kanal - Lotus Kanan - Garden; Dark Forest Kanav - A Great Rishi Kanda - Root; A Knot; The Place Where the Three Main Nadis Join Kanka - Scent of the Lotus Kannu - Name of a God Kanru - Beautiful Kanta - A Beautiful; Radiant; Beautiful Kanti - Lustre; Light [/Table]