I was a practising muslim for about 2 years. In that period I read every Islamic material I could lay my hands on. I read the Quran from beginning to end in one month and repeated it severally. I started studies on comparative religion and I developed an obsession with beating çhristians in debates. I self deceived myself that Islam was the true religion. Thats what happens to person who studies one sidedly. . Deep in me, I knew something was wrong, I was never satisfied. I expanded my library to sought all spiritual books. I was quite confused for a while, getting rid of Islamic brain washing and mental enslavement wasnt easy. . I found my self in Christianity, 99% of my close pals were christians, so I found myself in the church defending white Jesus. I sought every Christian spiritual book available. I enrolled in a bible school and even started pastoral lessons, I was on my way to becoming a pastor. . My saving grace has always been my sincere heart. I still hàd questions unanswered. All pastors i approached asking deep questions proved they were all empty headed. I felt the church was a holy place, I was so disappointed to see how hypocritical christians were, they are the WORST sinners, pretenders and hypocrites. . I saw the fraud and crime and evil happening in the church, yet White master Jesus did nothing. THIEVES were celebrated in the church, prostitutes made up the choir, Pastors were nothing but scam artists and the christian congregation to me were nothing but goats. . I developed the habit of independent study, I abandoned all religions, maintained neutrality. At the end of the day, i never anticipated what I discovered. All religions are for brutes and are man made. . There is NOTHING that can possibly take me back to religion. Absolutely nothing. Another saving grace of mine was my academic scientific background, I was a brilliant science student, and studying the cosmos, the universe and life wasnt so hard for me. . I thus cant be convinced by folks who have no knowledge of self, of earth or of the universe. . That a person reads a single book, the bible or quran and then feels he or she knows enough to speak truth is the greatest madness of all. Its annoying hearing the speech of religious folks. . In summary, Islam and xhristianity are not spiritual. Islamic prayers are dead prayers with no effect or consequence. Christianity is pure materialism and vanity soldered with hypocrisy and self deception. The world continues to be a worse place as these twin evil religions invented by dark forces continue to keep the maturity in mental jails. . I found my ancestors and studied about them and fell in love with who they were. I realised they were the source of everything the whiteman claimed was his. I understood how my ancestors were invaded, robbed, killed and enslaved and driven out of their lands. My loyalty is with with my African fathers. I cease to be a bastard, goat or slave. I am FREE. . The truth will never be known by the majority. Truth has no business with DEAD brains. Written by boobogal Chetah GaoDein (Ravin Wolf)