It is an obvious question that how many gods are in Hinduism? In the Western countries the people follow the Abrahamic faith which tells that God is one. In Hinduism there are many Gods depending on the belief of people. The concept of polytheism gave birth of the belief on many Gods in Hinduism. From the ancient scriptures it can be known that the Hindus worshiped many Gods to give respect the nature. In the modern era the people bow down their heads to offer prayer to different Gods. It is important to take an insight to the theory of millions of Gods. The Bhakti tradition has explained the complicated theology of millions of Gods which is quite satisfactory. It took the example of the governance of a large country. In a large country, the central supreme government divides the territory into several small parts which are governed in turn by the local governing body. To run the country safely and prosperously in respect to wealth and work, it is necessary to give the responsibility of governance to many bodies. That body has a supreme boss who oversees the activities of the subordinates. The subordinates in turn give respect to them. In Hindu mythology, according to the Bhakti tradition, Lord Krishna who is the supreme God of the universe has put into place individuals that oversee different parts of the material universe. For example, Goddess Saraswati has the responsibility of knowledge of the universe; Ganesha and Lakhsmi oversee the part of wealth, Brahma as creator of the universe, and so on. This explanation is quite logical than having mythological taste and thus the Hinduism has become enriched by approximately 33 million Gods. According to the old sacred scriptures of Hinduism, the Gods live in the upper Realm of the world which is called Swarg where one night takes six months of the earth and one day takes another six months. As they are not seen to the people, it has been taken granted that they are immortal any many. The sacred scriptures gave the number ‘thirty three million’ as the countless gods. There is an explanation of the 33 million Gods. The count of 33 million has come from two factors: Incomplete realization: According to all great sacred texts, Supreme power of the universe is one. He manages all activities of the human beings and the material universe, but the limited knowledge of people makes them thought that the different parts of the universe, the fire, water, air, and so on are controlled by the respective gods. This differentiation in respect and proper knowledge about the religion and universe make existence of countless number of Gods in the Hindu mythology. The basic philosophy of Hinduism: This includes aham brahmasmi which means that ‘I am Brahman or God’ and tattva masi means ‘You are that’. This philosophy says that Gods are everywhere that is the God is in all people, animal and trees. In this way Upanishad has explained the number of Hindu Gods and 33 million came from there.