Important decisions in life

Discussion in 'General discussion' started by NoelEnrik00200, May 25, 2015.


Do you agree with the statement: Religion, traditions or personal beliefs doesn't give us the right

Poll closed Aug 23, 2015.
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  1. NoelEnrik00200

    NoelEnrik00200 New Member


    I'm in a moment in life that I need to make some important decisions that concern me and my family and I want your opinion on something another family member said to me:
    "Religion, traditions or personal beliefs doesn't give us the right and aren't an excuse for imposing our will on others or for our actions."

  2. Aum

    Aum New Member

    I'm in a moment in life that I need to make some important decisions that concern me and my family and I want your opinion on something another family member said to me:

    can you elaborate bit more ?
    "Religion, traditions or personal beliefs doesn't give us the right and aren't an excuse for imposing our will on others or for our actions."

    As far as i know religions, traditions are compelling and will keep on dictating you to do things until its dharma or dharmic tradition.
    imposing something on others is something which i will never support by any it anything..
    this imposition is cause of conflicts among's religions with mankind.
  3. NoelEnrik00200

    NoelEnrik00200 New Member

    My family member says that he doesn't belive in religion or traditions that much and he doesn't what this to be a factor in decision making but i do.

  4. Ignorant

    Ignorant New Member

    well, I may not be very good with dharma and knowledge but i discourage any type of suppression or imposition of anything on anyone be it animals...
  5. Aum

    Aum New Member

    so where is the problem..u cannot make someone believe what he doesn't believe in..even veda's say..don't believe in me until you find good reason to believe in...:)
    Hinduism isn't a religion to be bounded by such petty things.
    culture is something that every human should give respect 2 .
  6. NoelEnrik00200

    NoelEnrik00200 New Member


    To give an example:
    - you want someone to act a certain way, or dress a certain way or merry a certain person because is your belief or your traditions or religion says is the right thing to do.
    But that person doesn't agree with you because religion or tradions aren't a big part in there life and they want to make their own decisions regarding there own life.

    Is it ok to go with that persons decision irelevant of my religion, traditions or belifs

  7. Aum

    Aum New Member

    - you want someone to act a certain way, or dress a certain way or merry a certain person because is your belief or your traditions or religion says is the right thing to do.

    ANSWER : First expectations are reasons of sorrow hence donot expect ..your love and care should be self-less and if you show her selfless love the day she realizes that he/she are bound to do things that you may want him/her to do it..
    Next have you sacrificed anything to ask for sacrifice from her ? if not then you shouldn't ask her..
    Giving you example..i never ask my wife to do or help my parents coz she never asks me at her parents place...rather i start doing it on my own to help my parents and make sure that they don't work...and she out of respect comes and helps me...
    Now coming to clothes..i always ask her about clothes she want me to wear and never tell her about her clothes...but now she keeps on asking by self ...:)

    But that person doesn't agree with you because religion or tradions aren't a big part in there life and they want to make their own decisions regarding there own life.

    ANSWER : Only love and care can change it..suppression will lead to rift in cannot hold water/sand with tight hand..the moment you try to capture or hold water/sand with tight hand,it will trickle out of your hands, similar is case with relations...keep yourself loose with borders of love..believe me it will has worked for many :)

    Is it ok to go with that persons decision irrelevant of my religion, traditions or beliefs

    ANSWER : Yes why not coz love is condition-less if there is condition it can never be love, but love will make it happen on its own..:)
  8. Senthil

    Senthil Active Member Staff Member

    Noel, I don't understand the situation completely, in that I'm not sure if there's a double standard. We can't, on one hand, expect someone to not be religious, and at he same time disagreeing on them wanting us to be religious. Individuals are free to believe or not believe as they wish, and this goes in both directions.
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  9. ajay00

    ajay00 Member

    Religion is an individual thing. It is mainly a tool for the expansion of consciousness or self-awareness.

    However using it to coerce others or imposing will on others is a reactive attitude which strengthens the ego and unconsciousness, and is counterproductive to the true goal of religion.

    By being truly religious , that is self-aware or mindful, you will be in a position to make an appropriate decision .

    Best wishes. :)
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