Mental strength is an essential attribute of success. As Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita, " Success is achieved by the persevering. " In the pursuit of an objective or goal, one tends to get demoralised at the sight of obstacles or problems and hence may give up after a few failures in the path. Some even commit suicide after repeated failures and intense demoralisation, forgetting the fact that suicide is a great sin and life has been given to us for spiritual evolution and understanding the true reality. The mentally strong however, keeps on working towards their objective or goal in spite of repeated defeats and failures , and attains their ends. There are many teachings in the Hindu scriptures with respect to mental strength and also that taught by the masters. I would like to put down some of these teachings over here, which may act as a moral tonic to the discouraged and demoralised, and as a spur for those who are working to attain their goals and objectives.
A man endowed with strength of mind has no fear whether he is in a wilderness or travelling on a hazardous road, whether he faces severe misfortune or bewilderment or the weapon of an opponent raised against him. -- Vidura Neeti ( Vidura was a minister in the Mahabharatha, who was esteemed for his great wisdom and was also a loyal friend of Krishna and the Pandava's uncle and mentor ) Efficiency is but strength of mind, All aids mere aids. -- Tiruvalluvar Nothing is impossible for the person who had determination. -- Chanakya Your potential is directly proportional to your determination. -- Swami Dayananda Saraswati If you are strong minded, all your problems and miseries will melt. -- Swami Surya Jowel Iron nerves and an intelligent brain, and the whole world is at your feet. -- Swami Vivekananda Strength does not lie in physical capacity. It lies in an indomitable will. -- Mahatma Gandhi For the human progress mental strength and purity of heart are essential. It is only the mental strength and purity of heart that makes the human Divine. -- Satya Sai Baba
The more we become impersonal in our attitude, the more also is the strength of our mind. ~ Swami Krishnananda The mind becomes stronger when the senses are controlled. When the senses are controlled, there is an increase in the energy of the mind. Memory power increases, the power of concentration increases, and it becomes easier for the mind to pay attention to anything. Thus, a controlled personality has more psychological worth than an uncontrolled personality. Therefore, yoga is self-control. ~ Swami Krishnananda ( Divine Life Society ) The strong man is the one who is able to intercept at will the communication between the senses and the mind. ~ Napoleon Bonaparte
Life throws challenges but with patience and resilience you can convert every challenge into a new opportunity to grow. ― Amit Ray When mind is weak, the situation becomes a problem. When mind is balanced the situation becomes a challenge. When mind is strong the situation becomes an opportunity. It’s all mind game. – Sister Shivani Behan ( Prajapita Brahmakumaris)