Hello! Im doing a school project which involves me interviewing someone who has knowledge regarding Hinduism, or is a hindu. These are the questions that i need answered in my interview: 1. When did you become a believer? 2. What's your point of view on God, and which abilities does God have? 3. What vision do you have on humans and the human role in relation to animals and nature? 4. How do you see sex and gender roles, men and women's rights? Can men and women celebrate the Church service in common/together and can women can be religious leaders? Why / why not? 5. How do you view premarital sex, contraceptive, abortion and homosexuality? 6. How do you see people with different ethnic backgrounds and religious beliefs? How are they treated and should / should they be reversed? 7. How will people with a lower socioeconomic background, eg poor beggars and refugees be treated? What significance does written sources, rites, and traditions have for your religion/Beliefs 9. How do you interpret the story of creation? 10. How do you see heaven and hell? 11. How do you see the theodiceproblem? (why does evil exist if god is kind) 12.Which ethical rules are important to follow in your religion? What does it say in your scriptures/religious books and how should it be interpreted? 13. What are the key messages of your religion? What does it say in your religious books and how should it be interpreted? 14. How important is religion in your life? How do you perform your religion and how do you live as believer of hinduism? All answers are appreciated Thank you in before
1. Several lifetimes ago, I imagine. 2. God has form and is formless, and just is. 3. We are the highest animal, hence we need to respect the rest. 4. We have loosely defined gender roles, but they are not restrictive. 5. It's up to the individual. 6. We respect all peace loving embodied souls on the planet. 7. With dignity and respect. 8. Very little in practice, wisdom is handed down. 9. God emanates souls and worlds. 10. There is no such thing. 11. There is no intrinsic evil, just ignorance. 12. Many. Too many to list. 13. Ahimsa, respect for humanity. 14. Very. 24-7
I can answer these questions , but your visit seems to be momentary and our experiences wouldn't be much more than this project. you should at-least refer forum to those who r interested in Hinduism. in this way hinduism will have bigger reach in terms of youth in your country.
Yes, our visit is momentary but we value your experiences and answears to our questions highly. Your answers would help us portray Hinduism in a more accurate way for our school report which we will then present to our class. We will, of course, refer to this forum during our presentation and in our report. Hopefully this will help to evoke interest for Hinduism and this forum for our classmates.
Please do mention the forum link in your presentation. here are answers : 1. When did you become a believer? We are not believers we are realisers since its not religion 2. What's your point of view on God, and which abilities does God have? God is pure science which cannot be understood with conscious mind you need to awaken your sub conscious and un-conscious mind. if we god can be defined that it cannot be god, it then has to be materialistic entity 3. What vision do you have on humans and the human role in relation to animals and nature? well nature has made a cycle in this world and humans are part of it. if you look at hinduism you might see customs where trees are planted animals are prayed on this is to keep nature cycle live and running in most natural form it can 4. How do you see sex and gender roles, men and women's rights? Can men and women celebrate the Church service in common/together and can women can be religious leaders? Why / why not? well in hinduism females and males are wheels of cycle in which without one other cannot move..females are described as shakti - godess of power. both can do whatever they wish if you look at hindu history you will see many female warriors as well churches are not concept of hinduism but even staunchest of hindu is allowed to visit in church, since hinduism is not religion we believe in acceptance, i personally have vistited many. yes woman can be religious leaders , hindu history have seen many. why has no answer to it..without shakti(goddess of power) their can be no life. 5. How do you view premarital sex, contraceptive, abortion and homosexuality? well there is nothing restrictive in hinduism as in religion, its always suggestive... sex is materialistic approach thou i am also part of it My opinion premartial sex with forthcoming husband - no problem premartial sex with anyone - disturbs the social cycle where in few rules are set..its again suggestive abortion - killing by any means cannot be justified homosexuality - Choice of person but can always be curbed since its again materialistic.i personally know 1 who was homo sexual 6. How do you see people with different ethnic backgrounds and religious beliefs? How are they treated and should / should they be reversed? well acceptance is part of hinduism hence we can accept all..which we have done for ages..they should be treated with equality. 7. How will people with a lower socioeconomic background, eg poor beggars and refugees be treated? well they will always have preferred What significance does written sources, rites, and traditions have for your religion/Beliefs its pure science which is beyond understanding of human mind...even einsteins main research are nothing but copied source from hindu holy books 9. How do you interpret the story of creation? i personally can't its illusive, but definitely our ancestors were not monkeys. thou we can relate to them 10. How do you see heaven and hell? well heaven and hell concept is to scare humans thou there are many sects which believe in it. my opinion : karma is rule 11. How do you see the theodiceproblem? (why does evil exist if god is kind) well evil has ans should exist thats when humans will value good..as taste of water cannot be known by someone who have never faced scaricity of water ..ask a man its value and taste who have walk miles to get water in deserts 12.Which ethical rules are important to follow in your religion? What does it say in your scriptures/religious books and how should it be interpreted? well its consciousness which sets rules not books, they are mere guide..veda are supreme and even it says if you don't find proof to believe in vedas don't believe it 13. What are the key messages of your religion? What does it say in your religious books and how should it be interpreted? Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (From "vasudhā", the earth; "ēva" = indeed is; and "kutumbakam", family - "the world is one family". Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah Sarve Santu Nir-Aamayaah | Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet | Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih || Meaning: 1: Om, May All become Happy, 2: May All be Free from Illness. 3: May All See what is Auspicious, 4: May no one Suffer. 5: Om Peace, Peace, Peace. 14. How important is religion in your life? How do you perform your religion and how do you live as believer of hinduism? We dont have concept of religion..
Thank you for taking the time to answear our questions. Please understand that these questions were not specified for Hinduism and therefore not meant to be insulting. We just recived the questions from our teacher to use during the assignment.
Your teacher was coming from an Abrahamic mindset. The nature of the questions gives it away. Looking at Hinduism through that lens will give a really different picture than looking through it from the Hindu lens itself. Best wishes on your project. As you can see, just from the two people who answered, Hindus are a vast and varied lot.
1. When did you become a believer? ANS :I am just natural hence if it means being believer yes, but by birth 2. What's your point of view on God, and which abilities does God have? ANS :Ahm brahma asmi..i am god but i need to find the way to achieve this godship. god doesn't have abilities its source 3. What vision do you have on humans and the human role in relation to animals and nature? ANS :They all are part of nature, one compliments other there by complimenting life in nature 4. How do you see sex and gender roles, men and women's rights? Can men and women celebrate the Church service in common/together and can women can be religious leaders? Why / why not? ANS :All are equal but hinduism promotes females better since they contribute more to society in form of mothers wife and sister yes women can be religious leader history speaks lot about it. 5. How do you view premarital sex, contraceptive, abortion and homosexuality? ANS remartial sex - Even nature follows some law hence even humans should follow them abortion - crime contraceptive - ok with it homosexuality - can be cured but they have freedom to live on their own. rather live and let live 6. How do you see people with different ethnic backgrounds and religious beliefs? How are they treated and should / should they be reversed? ANS :equality to all 7. How will people with a lower socioeconomic background, eg poor beggars and refugees be treated? ANS references should be given as they are part of society What significance does written sources, rites, and traditions have for your religion/Beliefs ANS :I personally would not believe in anything which i dont feel like believing 9. How do you interpret the story of creation? ANS :we were born humans 10. How do you see heaven and hell? ANS : I don't believe in concept. energy(soul) can neither be created nor be destroyed but it can be changed from one form(body) to another hence cycle of life 11. How do you see the theodiceproblem? (why does evil exist if god is kind) ANS :Both are necessary to run life 12.Which ethical rules are important to follow in your religion? What does it say in your scriptures/religious books and how should it be interpreted? ANS :well consciousness is most important 13. What are the key messages of your religion? What does it say in your religious books and how should it be interpreted? ANS : Live and let live 14. How important is religion in your life? How do you perform your religion and how do you live as believer of hinduism? ANS : life is what matters and already answered b4 we believe in dharma not "ism"..i follow it with my inner voice..no set of rules bind me ..i am free man with my set of rules Note : my answers are my personal opinion
I believe as well that my teacher was coming from an Abrahamic mindset. Once again, thank you for showing interest in my thread
Mate questions dat u posted are mostly religion centric which has boundations ...Hinduism is not a religion its dharma. Hinduism is freedom not containment. please refer to this to understand bit more about Hinduism http://www.thehinduforum.com/threads/difference-between-religion-and-dharma.572/ https://www.facebook.com/notes/hindu/hinduism-is-not-a-religion-it-is-dharma/301764709840929 sanatana dharma is real name of Hinduism Rest in case if you still have query we are always here to help u You can even look for answers on science and Hinduism...u will get almost all answers here.
1. When did you become a believer? i m not 2. What's your point of view on God, and which abilities does God have? i m god and there is nothing dats beyond his abilities 3. What vision do you have on humans and the human role in relation to animals and nature? complimentry 4. How do you see sex and gender roles, men and women's rights? Can men and women celebrate the Church service in common/together and can women can be religious leaders? Why / why not? all are equal but females need to be treated with extra care since they are creater 5. How do you view premarital sex, contraceptive, abortion and homosexuality? personal choice n their deeds will decide their future based on society they live in 6. How do you see people with different ethnic backgrounds and religious beliefs? How are they treated and should / should they be reversed? equal 7. How will people with a lower socioeconomic background, eg poor beggars and refugees be treated? treat them better What significance does written sources, rites, and traditions have for your religion/Beliefs i don't believe in them but i respect n accept them 9. How do you interpret the story of creation? enigma 10. How do you see heaven and hell? life contains both 11. How do you see the theodiceproblem? (why does evil exist if god is kind) complimentary to each other 12.Which ethical rules are important to follow in your religion? What does it say in your scriptures/religious books and how should it be interpreted? follow self 13. What are the key messages of your religion? What does it say in your religious books and how should it be interpreted? believe in self, i read books but follow what i find is justified 14. How important is religion in your life? How do you perform your religion and how do you live as believer of hinduism? i follow dharma hence question doesn't make sense to me..i live as believer of hinduism in same manner incase i was not believer