Tillich the Christian philosopher said God is not "a being" but rather "beingness itself". Is this what brahman is or is he a being?
It depends on who you talk to. Dualists might lean to the 'being' idea, certainly not a 'He' though. Non-dualists would see it more as a force. There is really no equivalent for the Abrahamic God in our dharmic way. A lot of our concepts aren't really that translatable. Brahman is one of them.
I agree that the Arhahamic God can not be compared to Brahman, yet in a mystical sense a Christian , Muslim, Hindu and a Buddhist will see the truth as ONE. Speaking of ONE, this energy is Brahman. All is Brahman and Brahman is all. This is what the Brahma sutras state. It is not an individuated God, it is the absolute self.