It Takes 4 Crore Years To Get A Human Body And Only 4 Second Sin To Fall Down From A Human Body.

Discussion in 'Hindu' started by Aum, Oct 2, 2015.

  1. Aum

    Aum New Member

    Just as one gives up an old shirt to put on a new one, the soul gives up an old body to acquire a new kind of body (vasāmsi jirnāni yathā vihāya Bhagavad Gita-2.22).

    There are 84 lakh types of clothes designed by the designer named Sri Brahmaji on order of Sri Hari Vishnuji, out of which the soul gets a desired body at the time of death depending on his/her desire related to good/bad karmas.

    As per Padma Puran, 84 lakh species of life are divided into six groups. Acaquatics, trees, insects, birds, animals and humans.

    9 lakh types of aquatics.
    20 lakh types of trees.
    11 lakh types of insects.
    10 lakh types of birds.
    30 lakh types of animal bodies.
    4 lakh of human bodies.

    Soul passes form everybody and gets a human body atlast. Eating, sleep, mating is more amazingly available to Pigs, monkeys, Dogs etc so how does it make us different if we behave same like them? We eat without knowing who cooked with what intention, whats been put inside?, drinking, sleeping etc according to our senses satisfaction, material needs, how does it make us different from them? What makes us different from animals is the consciousness, intelligence to understand the reason for birth and death by developing love Towards the holy feet of Sri RadheKrishna, Sri SitaRam, Sri LaxmiNarayan. The only reason we are so linked in behaving like animals is only took us 4,00,00,000 years to travel those 83,99,999 species and atlast a human body. For those many years we had been practicing only how to eat, sleep and mate which we influence even in our human body. Like we get a user manual with some Gadget, car, bikes etc which talks about Do's and Don't, if we follow the manual the gadget might last longer and so such user manuals were created by the creator himself for we human gadgets in a form of Vedic Scriptures, we follow the do's and don'ts and the soul achieves its ultimate Goal of serving the lotus feet of The Supreme in his spiritual Planet.

    ||HaRe KriShnA||
  2. deafAncient

    deafAncient New Member

    Please explain the title of the thread - 4 second sin to fall down from a body? Are you talking about doing just the one thing for 4 seconds and being reborn into an animal body?
  3. Dhavalyash das

    Dhavalyash das Moderator Staff Member

    There are 4 main sins explained in mahabhrata and Shrimad bhagwatam.
    no meat eating
    No gambling
    No intoxication
    No illicit sex.
    all these sins gives us pleasure for just few seconds but leads us to hell and later get some unwanted body.
  4. deafAncient

    deafAncient New Member

    Let me guess... You are Hare Kṛṣṇa or ISKCON, right?
  5. Dhavalyash das

    Dhavalyash das Moderator Staff Member

    Yes I am , pranam

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