Moral Guidance

Discussion in 'Hinduism' started by garry420, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. garry420

    garry420 Well-Known Member

    Nowadays, every adult human being seems to be too busy working to fulfill his or her desire for security, peace and happiness. We see that this pursual of the wanted things or avoidance of the unwanted things is steeply rising with no sign of leveling off. If we have not attained our desired goals, should we not stop for a minute and examine the past efforts and reassess our future actions? Every once in a while, we need to check if we are going in the right direction. The fortunate thing is that our scriptures have long ago talked about doing things the right way but we just don’t have the time to look into them. So the best way for the modern life is to get the answers in capsule form and exchange ideas between the like-minded.

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