Osho – Don’t waste your time in trying to dominate others

Discussion in 'Osho' started by garry420, Jan 21, 2016.

  1. garry420

    garry420 Well-Known Member

    Osho – Buddha says: MASTER YOURSELF…. If you are at all interested in mastery — and who is not interested? — then become interested in self-mastery. Don’t waste your time in trying to dominate others. The effort to dominate others creates political conflict; the whole world is full of it. Even in personal relationships politics enters and destroys them. Even when you love a woman or a man, the mind starts its cunning ways to dominate, to possess, to destroy the freedom of the other… because you are afraid. You are afraid that if YOU don’t dominate, the other is going to dominate you.
    And for all those who want to dominate others, Machiavelli is the teacher. In India also a similar type of man has existed; his name was Chanakya. He preceded Machiavelli by thousands of years. Both men are the foundations of the extrovert mind; they have laid the foundations. And their first foundation is: the best way to defend yourself is to attack. Hence, before the other attacks you, attack the other. Before your wife starts dominating you, you dominate her, or before your husband starts dominating you, you dominate him.

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