Perfection explained through science

Discussion in 'General discussion' started by Amit, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. Amit

    Amit New Member

    By: Arnab

    We always hear about the term about being perfect. However, people have different perceptions about this perfection. Some people think as long as you have a strong belief on God, you are perfect. Some people think if you are good at your studies you are perfect. However, most probably the best viewed perception of human perfection is the shape of the body. Even though there are so many definitions of perfections among human minds, everyone wants to achieve his/her own perfection.

    However, my point is that human perfection is not possible. Human perfection is like an ideal situation, which cannot exist. We always need to differentiate the ideal situation and real situation. Ideal situation is a situation created by the scientists to test their theories. In an ideal situation, the scientists just concentrate only a few variables to create a situation. Here are some examples of ideal situation vs real situation

    In an ideal situation, if we throw a man out of an aircraft, his acceleration due to gravity will always 9.8 m/(s.s). However, in a real situation, it would be different because air resistance and other factors will effect the acceleration. In real life, the acceleration due to gravity in this situation can be anything. It is rather a random quantity.

    According to Hooke's Law of ideal Spring, F=kx. Here F is the magnitude of the spring force, K is the force constant and x is the distance in meter the string compresse/stretched. In an ideal situation, this equation holds because there would be straight line relationship between the force, F and distance, x. However, in a real situation after a certain amount of force is exerted, the spring will break down and this equation will become invalid. I mean it is obvious that the length of the spring can not have an infinity value. However, it does have an infinity value for an ideal spring. Therefore, the ideal situation here is perfect.

    In an ideal situation randomness cannot exist. The reason is because in an ideal situation, you are just concentrating on some variables while ignoring the others to make your theory works as mentioned earlier. For instance, in a real situation, we all know that flipping coins will give us random results. However what does it mean to get random results? It does not mean H or T appears because of no reason. It appears because of the angle you threw your coin up, the energy you used to do so, air resistance etc variables contributed. There is a reason behind each and every action of this universe. In an ideal situation, randomness cannot exist. The reason is because you can do the flipping coin experiment with perfection by using identical situations to always get a certain result. Therefore, randomness dissapears. However, in a real situation, so many things contribute that it seems like randomness. Randomness is rather combination of many reasons that come together. Therefore, it seems like randomness.

    In a similar way, human perfection is an ideal situation. We cannot acheive perfection because there are so many variable involved in real life. It's just an ideal situation and there is no point to hunting for perfection because it only exists in the pages of books and human minds. Just like ideal situation is important for scientists to construct theories, the idea of perfection is important to achieve higher morality in lifestyle. However, we should keep in mind that it is just an idea not a real life situation.
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