hello friends, 2 weeks ago i made a huge mistake, iconverted to islam (by reading sahada) on Internet. now i want to convert back to my family's Religion. it was biggest mistake of my life. can u guys help me ? 1)i was a and still a Brahmin. my father is a brahmin, my Grand father is also a brahmin. can i join my caste again ? 2)i didnt even prayed to isalmic god (namaz) 3)i haven't eaten beef yet. 4)can i join my caste Brahmin again ?
Of course you can deconvert. Don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise. Contact the local Arya Samaj, and I'm sure they will help you.
sanatana dharma is vast ocean and there is always a chance for improvement, you have made mistake and you have realized what wrong you did so you are on button. Next yes you can your caste anytime you want, transformation of varna is part of hindu culture , caste has never been part of hinduism akka sanatana dharma, its corrupted version of hinduism which you should never accept. Yes your varna can be of brahmin . I hope you have got answer to your question. Regards