Ramayana Around The World

Discussion in 'Ramayana' started by garry420, Feb 7, 2016.

  1. garry420

    garry420 Well-Known Member

    Click on the links below to know more about Ramayana around the world.

    1. Ramayan in Islamic Countries
    2. The Borderless Appeal of Ramayan
    3. Influence of Ramayan in Asian Countries
    4. Influence of Ramayan in Thailand
    5. Sino Ramayana
    6. Spring Festival Celebrations Around the World
    7. Ramayana the National Epic of Thailand
    8. Influence of Ramayan in Burma
    9. Ramayan in Mongolia, Tibet, Korea, Siberia
    10. Ramayan in Japan
    11. Japanese Interest in Ramayan
    12. Christmas is Mid-winter Festival of the Pagan Europeans
    13. Ramayan in Vietnam
    14. Wayang Kulit or South East Asian Puppet Shows
    15. Influence of Ramayana in Laos
    16. Influence of Ramayana in Burma
    17. Ramayana the National Epic of Thailand
    18. Influence of Ramayan in Thailand
    19. Influence of Ramayan in Cambodia
    20. Influence of Ramayan in Asian Countries
    21. Persian And Arabic Ramayan
    22. Ramayan among the Muslims of Philippines
    23. Ramayana in Malaysia
    24. Ramayana in the West
    25. Ramayan in Indonesia
    26. Indonesia Ramayan Presented in Open Air Theatres
    27. Ramayana Scriptures in South East Asian Languages


    This article is based numerous emails received, several articles posted on websites, information available on Britannica Encyclopedia and on Microsoft Encarta and on my personal experiences during my numerous travels in South East Asia.

    The Timeless Tale

    So long as the sun and moon shine, the mountains and the rivers exist, the epic poem Ramayan (The Way of Ram) and the name of Lord Ram shall inspire the world.

    The epic Ramayan originated in ancient India, where the great poet and sage Maharishi Valmiki wrote it in Tretayug. Epic poet Valmiki is called the Adhya Kavi or the first poet of mankind. Sage Valmiki himself was a witness to the events in Ramayan. He gave shelter to deserted Sita Devi and personally raised Lav and Kush the sons of Lord Ram and Sita Devi in his hermitage (Ashram). He taught the children the story of their father Ram. During the coming centuries, this epic has been re-written in several versions throughout the Asian continent and the Indian sub-continent.

    Author - Ravi Kumar
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2016

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