Science behind temple bells : You might have seen large bells in most of the old temples and these bells are tied up in the main entrance of the temple and every devotee that enters the temple rings the bells (it is a tradition of Hindus) But do you even know that there lies a hidden science behind this culture ? well if you don't know about it let me tell you these bells are not normal bells but these bells are made up of many metals including lead, copper, zinc, nickel, cadmium , manganese and chromium & each one of the have been mixed in most scientific manner such that these bells produce such unique and soothing sound that it creates unity of your left & right brain. The moment the bell is ringed it produces sleek and sharp sound that last for quite some times and atleast for 7 seconds and its echo mode has enough capability to touch 7 healing centres (seven chakras) of the body. The sound that is produced by the bell have capability to nullify all the thought in human mind and make it empties of any kind of thought or stress. This is where you enter a stage of trance and it is well in the state with human awareness. These bells work a anti dope for human mind. Well if you look at most of the old temples they didn't had doors and were located in isolated places in the hills
Bells had other reasons also, as most of the old temples never had doors and were located near hills and forest there would have been distinct possibilities for animals, Insects, birds to take shelter. But bell sound doesn’t allow any of the living creatures to sustain inside for a long time. So don’t be surprised if you find Old temples still brimming with energy inside with less dust, no sign of insects or animals. Temple bell: Most of the old temples have large bell at the entrance of the temple and you need to ring it before you enter temple. Let me start with temple bells first. A Temple bell is another scientific phenomena; it is not just your ordinary metal. It is made of various metals including cadmium, lead, copper, zinc, nickel, chromium and. manganese. The proportion at which each one of them mixed is real science behind a bell. Each of these bells is made to produce such a distinct sound that it can create unity of your left and right brain. The moment you ring that bell, bell produces sharp but lasting sound which lasts for minimum of seven seconds in echo mode good enough to touch your seven healing centers or chakras in your body. The moment bell sound happens your brain is emptied of all thoughts. Invariably you will enter state of Tran’s state where you are very receptive. This Trans state is the one with awareness. You are so occupied in mind that only way to awaken you is with a Shock! And trust me Bell works as Anti-dote to your mind. Before you enter temple - to awake you and prepare you for taste of awareness is the real reason behind temple bell. In other words “it helps to ring to wake yourself Up!” . To an extent Fragrant generators, Low light lamps all form Ecosystem to create awareness.
If you go by agam sastra it says that ringing bells keeps evil spirits off and it suppresses irrelevant noises that might distract concentration,peace of the people in their devotional moment. agamarthamtu devnaam gamnarthamtu rakshsaam kurve ghantaravam tatra devtahvaahna lakshnam Meaning :for invocation of divinity that makes divine forces enter my heart and evil forces depart
The bells are signs of giving a call to god as it was done in courts of king.likewise people who come to God,ring the bell to get blessings of god. The bells awaken the devotee, & instill in him an awareness of the sanctity of the temple. Scientific reason behind temple bells: The bells when ringed clears the mind of the person and it helps you to stay sharp and keep our full concentration on devotional purpose. Bells are made in a such a manner that these bells creates sounds it creates a union or unity between Left & Right parts of brains.
The mystical reason is that certain sounds can be heard by the devas, so it also attracts them. Bells make these unique sounds. Many Sanskrit puja offerin chants also end with "Salutaions to the devas present!"
The scientific reason or the significance feature behind bells in temple All the Hindu temples have bell at the entrance of the temple or inside the temple and usually you need to ring it before you enter temple and while doing pooja to God. It is believed that ishwara and gods remain manifest in temples and the bells are placed at the enterance of the temple and person have to ring the bells (ghanta) before entering temple, the bells are precisely are hung in the area or porch preceding the inner sanctum. The Devotees ring these bells as an invocation to the god to listen to their prayers (prãrthnã) and get blessings. Bells are also rung prior to ãrti to just to inform the devotees to come for ãrti’s i.e. Prayer. Arti sounds during the preceedings wards off evil spirits and hence the sound has the power to focus the wandering & hyperactive mind on the god & sentiments of the ãrti’s lyrics. These arti's also giving spiritual boasting by spreading the positive sound waves in the environment which makes our mind calm and relaxed. These positive waves spread during arti helps individual in increasing the concentration power for our daily life These sound waves have capability to cut down the stress of human mind. If you come to India or Nepal the sound of bells can be heard in the morning (shangãr) & evening (sandhyã) many places of the country. The sound of bells ineffably attracts people’s attention who are passing by and if they are the devotee or hindu they will offer a slight bow or do pranãm towards temple. There is unique art and science in making of the bells to produce the requisite sounds. There are some bells specially made to produce the long strains of the sound OM. Ghantadi handle signifies prãna which is the vital force in the form of Lord Hanuman, Garud, Nandi or Chakra and bell without this handle is forbidden in this rituals as it is believed that it may augur misfortune. The body of the bell is said to represent the divinity of time (Ãgama-Kosha 1992 VI:99) Significance of bells in temples: घण्टा, ghantaa खाण्डिका, khaandikaa मणि, mani What Agama Sastra has to say about bells ? The sound of bells in temples wards off evil spirits. Agama Sastra : "ghantaayam tadayeth kim prayochanam? yaksha rakshasa paisasa tanava brahmarakshasah gacchanthi mani sapthah" Meaning : 'Why to ring bell in temples? Yaksha, Rakshasa, Paisasa and Brahmarakshasah like evil spirits go out of the temple when they hear the ringing of temple bell' Agama Sastra : "uthsatanam pisasatheh preenanam sahareh param sannithana mamarthyanam ghantaayachalanath baveth" Meaning The bell is used to give sound for keeping evil forces away. The ringing of bell is pleasant to God. Also beneficial Devatas are attracted by this sound.
I came across a very simple blog that covers the health benefits of hearing the temple bells. Think this could be of some help.
Nice blog... your blog explains it very nicely...but we need piece of knowledge here i might rewrite it here again in my language to make it more clear to people .. Regards
In hindu culture,any pooja or ritual starts with recital of the folloowing mantra: Aagamarthamtu devaanam Gamanaarthamtu rakshanam Kurve ghantaravam tatra Devataahvaahna lakshanam. This translates to,'I ring this bell indicating the invocation of divinity so that virtuous and noble forces enter (my home and heart)and the demonic and evil forces from wiithin and without depart.' A bell has a scientific phenomena behind its making and use.A bell is made of various metals like cadmium,lead,copper,zinc,nickel,copper and manganese.Each of these metals is mixed in a particular proportion to produce a distinct sound that can create unity of our left and right brain. The moment we ring a bell,it produces a sharp and lasting sound which lasts for a minimum of 7 seconds in echo mode good enough to touch the seven healing centres/chakras in our body. The most popular belief is that, the bell is sounded to invite the deity to accept the prayers and to drive away the evil forces. Usually ,the bell is sounded at the beginning of the pooja,while waving the light in front of the deity,while bathing the deity and while offering food/nivedana. Hindu devotees also ring the bell on entering the temple.. Symbolically,the body of the bell represents Time-Ananta,the tongue represents goddess Saraswati and the handle represents the vital principle/prana shakti. The sound of the bell helps to drown any inauspicious or irrelevant noises/comments that might disturb/distract the worshippers in their devotional ardour,concentration and inner peace.