Scientific Reasons Why Hindus Do Not Eat Go-Mata(cow

Discussion in 'Hindu' started by Ignorant, Nov 28, 2015.

  1. Ignorant

    Ignorant New Member

    Hindu's anre always condemned for the worship of Go-Mata (Cows) without the deep spiritual understanding behind the belief, but in this post, we will prove with some points why our Go-Mata shouldn’t be eaten SCIENTIFICALLY...

    Before we start, this is a mind blowing fact that we need to consider...
    It takes more than 1816 liters of water to produce 1 KG of meat, while growing 1 KG of wheat only requires 227 liters. You save more water by not eating 1 KG of meat than you do by not showering for six months!

    % - Soil Erosion is causes by the overgrazing of cattle when they are overpopulated to feed the billions of people in the world in dry regions.

    % - Red meat increases a persons chance of getting CANCER !!!.

    % - Eating red meat can increase ones carbon footprint.

    %- Cattle farming promotes deforestation by the breathing of them.

    % - If We eat what God said w must, then we will not get diseases such as MAD-COW disease and Swine flu (H1N1) etc etc.

    % - A single cow can produce 45000 liters of Bio-gas in its life, which is the same as burning 680 000 tons of wood, hence prevent deforestation (if its not breath and reproduced however, and the population of it will have to be how God had kept it from the start.

    % - Many Ayurvedic treatments can be done with the urine form our beloved mother(Gomata) as she will provide us what we need since the her urine has the following properties...
    -Contains many minerals, especially copper, gold, salts etc. Therefore if our body has any deficiency or lack any of these minerals, then it can be directly or indirectly obtained by the urine of our beloved mother (Go-Mata).
    - Has germicidal powder to kill a variety of germs.
    - Protects the heart and brain from mental tension.
    - Helps the liver function properly.
    - Strengthens immune system.
    - Help to cleanse the body of all poisonous residues.

    % - A single cow can produce 45000 litres of Bio-gas in its life, which is the same as burning 680 000 tons of wood, hence prevent deforestation.

    % - Red meat increases a persons chance of getting CANCER !!!.

    % - Beef diets cause double the climate-warming emissions.

    % - Cattle farming compared to veg-farming, needs 160 times more land and producing 11 times more greenhouse gases due to the uncontrolled breathing of cattle.

    % - Based on some research done in the US, Prof T. Benton, at the University of Leeds said... “The biggest intervention people could make towards reducing their carbon footprints would not be to abandon cars, but to eat significantly less red meat...’’

    There are so many other scientific reasons explaining why we shouldn’t eat our Go-mata and it can’t be fitted into a single post, hence the logical reasons, spiritual reasons and more scientific reasons will be discussed further in future post.

    ''namo brahmanya-devafya
    Go-brahmana-hitaya ca
    jagad-dhitaya krsnaya
    govindaya nama namah''

    References :
    * Vaishnava Research Forum.
    * The journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
    * The study of British people’s diets -conducted by University of Oxford
    * US Natural Resources Conservation Service.

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