In Liberalism Democracy is Govt. of the people (elected by the people), for the People (for the welfare of people) and by the People (strong and effective Local governments run by people). In Socialism People are not allowed to run the government at local level. India continues to have a fake Democracy for the last seven decades.In Liberalism, the people decide what they can do themselves in Local self Governments, what they can not do they delegate to State Governments and what State can not do is transferred to Central Govt. In SOCIALISM it is just the opposite, people are not allowed strong and effective Local Governments. Thus briefly Socialism Vs. liberalism is as below 1. fake Democracy Vs. genuine Democracy 2. Centralization Vs. Decentralization 3. Garbage Khichdi Politics Vs. Neat welfare Politics as the Noblest Emdeavour 4.Corrupt governance Vs. Corruption Free Governance 5. Distribution of Wealth in Leaking Subsidies (Re One becomes 15 paise to beneficiary) Vs. Production of Wealth for Development and removal of Poverty 6. High rate of inflation and weak Currency Vs. Low rate of Inflation and very strong Currency 7. Colonial Model Bureaucracy Vs. Accountable Welfare Bureaucracy 8. Ineffective Local Governments Vs. Strong and Effective Local Governments Before 1947 the leaders of Congress Party like Gandhi ji, Tilak, Gokhale, Sardar Patel and others aimed at Self rule (Swaraj), minimum government, Liberty, free speech and Freedom. Pt Nehru whose real Political Hero was Iron man Joseph STALIN of USSR and model state was USSR and model governance was Soviet system of Centralization and Central Planning Commission. When he became Prime Minister, he over ruled all surviving Congress leaders and took U turn. Steadily all Liberals and believers in Gandhian philosophy, Freedom and Swaraj started leaving Congress. His Socialistic centralization went to the extent that governance of the country became centralized in the Nehru’s family. Those who did not like Dynastic rudderless confused and highly corrupt Socialistic rule, started creating personal zonal Fiefdoms not knowing the principles of good governance. Lately Aam Admi Party with firm belief in anarchy, populism, leaking subsidies, political dramas and no agenda of good governance has also entered in our rudderless Socialism. In the last six decades the sovereign citizens have forgotten, sovereignty resides with them. They still believe in feudalistic Mai Baap culture and have allowed political and bureaucratic servants to become masters. India is now having dynastic rudderless rule of servants. We now need leaders of pre 1947 caliber like Gandhi ji, Lokmanya Tilak, Gokhale, Vallab Bahi Patel, Tagore and Minoo Masani, JP, Raja ji, and many believers in Arthashatra of Kautilya and Vedic system of governance etc who firmly believed in Swaraj, Liberty, Freedom, accountability, transparency and good governance. via: Yogesh Saxena