Spiritual Properties of Mercury (Parad)

Discussion in 'Hinduism' started by Nimrat, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. Nimrat

    Nimrat New Member

    Hello Everyone,

    Mercury also known as Parad is a naturally occurring element. Mercury has many forms in form of metallurgical, elemental and solidified. Mercury is considered as the sperm of Lord Shiva. Parad is one of the auspicious metal and has many ayurvedic properties. Parad cures various ailments. Parad nullifies the vastu defects. Many Items are available on e-commerce websites like Siddha Parad Malas, Parad Gutika and one of the famous Parad Shivaling.
    This article explains the purification stages and all you need to know about being an Alchemist.

    This article states the practical uses of Mercury in terms of Meditation and for an individual's body. What we have known about mercury is that it is used in thermometer and is a metal. I didn't even Knew it was called as Parad. Parad also has Vedic mythology behind this. 117 shlokas in Rig Veda mentions about Soma containing Mercury and Rhodium.
    ~Hari Om

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