One night in Meghalaya, i was coming from Cherapunji (wetest place on earth) in the night. It was dark, mountains, chilly, fog, wind and heavy rain. I couldn't ride more than a speed of 20-30km/hr, Hardly 2 -3 feet visibility, very chilly and i was drenched. Somehow i reached a village on the road side, parked bike near a house and stood underneath a shed. After few minutes, some kids came outside, saw me, stared, then asked questions? I didn't know khasi language, then didn't know hindi n English much. So i started to answer them. They found that i was shivering, so one of them brought Chimney so i can sit beside it and bear the cold. Then those kids started asking bout trip and other places, we were talkin good. Later their mom came outside and asked who, what where, why, bla bla? As i answered all things, then she started to tell her story "my husband died, these are my 5 kids, m a farmer, we have lil farms and a lil shop". Then she asked, " if rain wont stop, what would u do?" Me: i can sleep here underneath this shed, if you dont have any problem, i will pay you for this. She: no, not like this, its showering here too. She then sent her kid to an old hut n asked him to prepare a bed. She offered me tea and shelter for the night. She trusted a stranger( how many of us can do this). We had lots of talk, laughed and went to sleep. In the morning i gave her some money for helping me at the hard time. She refused n went inside to make tea. I called her kids, i asked if they want something to play or study. One said, their football is punctured. I gave them some money, so they can buy a new one and play. And it was so hard for them to accept it. Later, had tea and said good bye and left. ** There are so many people in the world for whom humanity and helping are more precious than money. I hope they bought football with that money. Via: KkGautam AnArtist