The cost of Nivrutti is fixed as – the total sacrifice, total surrender If you care a pin for God, - He will care one millionth of the pin tip for you. A lady went to purchase gold chain, - she took twenty rupees along with her To purchase the chain costing one lakh, - she was cheated by a seller, Who sold a rolled gold chain for ten rupees, - the chain costs one rupee only. She realized the loss of nine rupees, - now she goes to a shop of real gold. She enquires the price of it, - God, the owner of shop of real gold says that She can get the chain for whatever – money she has in her hand. The cost of Nivrutti is fixed as – the total sacrifice, total surrender. Then she underestimates the value – of real gold equating to rolled gold. She bargains to get the chain – for one rupee, her ignorance is Multi folded, all this is due to – lack of real knowledge of Gold and also Due to lack of real knowledge of – rolled gold, values of both are Unknown to her, similarly you – neither know the real value of Worldly bonds, which have no – value at all, nor know real value of God, who has infinite value, - you get tension in paying ten rupees To the real golden chain, - since you think it as rolled gold only. You lost nine rupees since – you thought the rolled gold as real gold. When the shop is giving chain – for ten rupees only, you do not doubt That how real gold comes for ten rupees, - you feel that the shop keeper Is a fool in giving gold for ten rupees, - actually you were fooled by him! The first step in confusion is – deep analysis of concept, Jnana Yoga. Then only the decision and practice – should be followed further. If the lady is wise, she should – purchase golden chain with ten rupees And by knowing the real value of – golden chain, she is benefited To infinite extent and she should – dance with bliss forgetting the loss Of nine rupees in rolled gold, - applying it to theory of deeds, She might have cheated him – similarly in the previous birth, If not, he will be punished by – God in proper time, it is the Botheration of God for His – justified administration, why she worries? She is benefited by infinite Nivrutti, - the rolled gold loss is nothing