"Human life is a Universal Truth due to Virtuous Contingency." "But after Observation and Analysis within, when you find that anything Agrees with Reason and is Conducive to the Good and Benefit of One and All, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Teacher Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~ "Defects means Rajo Guna (disturbing qualities) and Tamo Guna ( the quality of inertia & inactivity)." "The "VIRTUES " means Sattva Guna (harmonious qualities)." "Try to PROTECT OUR SELF from IT." "So, as is the MIND & CHITTA (mind stuff, psyche), so is the WORLD." "We must recognize the power within and its influence. Be established within the self and burn down our defects.of "Selfishness, Ego, Hate, Hatred, Enmity, Lust, Propensity & Vices & so forth." ~ Teacher Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~ "THE EAST & WEST may come to Unity toghether with Subtle Views to reach (within) a Universal Realm of Human's Creative Imagination which is the Generating Ground of Scientist, Divine Saints, Philosophy of Vedanta & other Religion, Literature (which is created for welfare of Living & non Living), Subtle Music, the Arts, and all Others Natural Healing Laws and Intellectual (without Ego) & Aesthetic Creativity." ~ Teacher Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~ "The Divided Person can NEVER be an OBJECT of Unconditional Love ." "Today we are LIVING in Mental, Emotional & Physical in the Slippery World of Ostentation (Show off, False Impressions)."" "The Love is principle that can grant connectivity to sense of service & duty with CONTENTMENT, SURRENDER & TOLERANCE, Prayer, Japa, Sadhan & so forth." "Love should be such that ONE'S full heart & mind is for Downtrodden & God alone." "Some love for wealth and luxury, some for home,family and others,and some love for Downtrodden & God that is divided LOVE." "The Divided Person can NEVER be an OBJECT of Unconditional Love ." "Although the TREASURE of INFINITE Knowledge is within,a human beings has every limited INTELLECT." "Who is HAPPY ?." "Happiness can't therefore be sought in Wealth, Post or Position; it has to be sought ELSEWHERE." "There is saying that one who has Good Wealth, Enough Money , a Loyal Wife, and an Obedient Son, is a HAPPY PERSON." "This may be True for Materialism & some material HAPPINESS. But Social, Religious & Spiritual Happiness comes when ONE feels contented with the whatever one gets." "A Human in a Hut can be Happy and a King in the royal Palace can be Unhappy." "A Human doing manual work can be happy but a top Administrator of the country can be unhappy." "A Human with no one to help, can be happy but a human with a lot of friends and family members (it is common now days) can be unhappy. The reverse may also be the case." "Happiness can't therefore be sought in Wealth, Post or Position; it has to be sought ELSEWHERE." "HAPPY is the PERSON, who is content with whatever he gets according to his Prarabdha (destiny, past karma)" "HAPPY is the Person who can adjust to any situation he is placed in to." "HAPPY is the PERSON who enjoys the present and does not REGRET for the PAST & bother about the FUTURE. " "HAPPY is the PERSON who realizes that this LIFE is a "PASSING PHASE' and so any UNHAPPY SITUATION in the Life will also pass." "HAPPY is the PERSON WHO SLEEPS WELL without MENTAL TENSIONS." "The Social Conductivity, Religiosity & Spirituality are the NAME of that FORCE which Detaches Individual Beings from the Effects, Changes and Waves in the World {Attachment, Ego, Hate, Enmity, Vengeance & so forth}, the body & the Chitta {Mind stuff, psyche}." ~ Teacher Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarbdha ~ "You must recognize the power within and its influence. Be established within the self and burn down our defects.of (Slippery World) Selfishness, Ego, Hate, Hatred, Enmity, Lust, Propensity, & Vices & so forth." ~ Teacher Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarbdha ~ "THOSE WHO SWIM THROUGH THESE CURRENTS AND ARRIVE AT THE SHORE AND TRUE BRAVE WARRIORS (PURE by HEART & MIND) OF SOCIAL CONDUCTIVITY (SOCIAL and EXTERNAL Codes of CONDUCT(Charity, Purity, Unity and Divinity) ) &SPIRITUALITY." "Every step we take has a relationship to SOCIAL and EXTERNAL Codes of CONDUCT(Charity, Purity, Unity and Divinity), Religiosity & Spirituality." "Mr. OM" To Realize Reality. " Mr Om " "What is the Sacred Universal Principle? "If you are a Hindu, be a better Hindu." "If you are a Christian, be a better Christian." "If you are a Muslim, be a better Muslim." "If you are Jew, be a Better Jew & so forth through Social, Religious & Spiritual Conductivity." "Embrace the True & Pure knowledge of Hinduism (Sanatans)." "Embrace the power of the Muslim Religion." "Embrace Love & Service of the Christian Religion." "Embrace Peace of the Buddhist " "Embrace " Ahimsa (non -violence) of the in Jainism." "Embrace " Sikhism of the enjoy." "Embrace the purity of Mind & Chitta of the Sanatan Religion ." "You make a Religion of all Religions, including Which knowledge - Purity - Peace - Happiness - Love - Strength, "What Religion in the world i.e. CHAITNYA - DHARMA ( श्री ॐ", Religion based on Consciousness)?."