The inner spiritual knowledge is more important than the external culture

Discussion in 'Hinduism' started by Datta Upasaka, Aug 16, 2017.

  1. Datta Upasaka

    Datta Upasaka Member

    The external culture like language is only a vehicle. The internal culture that is communicated or transported by the language is the meaning or the passenger travelling in the vehicle.

    The languages may be different like the vehicles. If the same passenger travels in different languages, the communicated meaning or the passenger is not different in any way in any country. Spiritual knowledge is always one and the same, which is the communicated or transported meaning like the internal passenger.

    The language of the scripture and related religious customs are like different vehicles carrying that meaning or passenger. Whatever may be the language and external religious customs, the direction is based on the quality of the meaning communicated by any language related to any type of external religious customs.

    Whatever may be the vehicle or the decorations of the vehicle, the passenger travelled in it is giving the correct direction through his speech. The vehicle may be very good and its decorations may be excellent, but, if the speaker coming by such vehicle gives the wrong direction in his speech, the goal is not reached.

    The communication-vehicle of Swami Vivekananda was an ordinary ship travelling slowly, but, the speech delivered by him was excellent. Other speakers might have come very fast in advanced vehicles like aeroplanes, but, their speeches were not so much appreciated.

    The meaning of the word ‘Veda’ is knowledge representing the meaning communicated by a vehicle called as Sanskrit language. The root word of Veda is ‘vidul’, which means meaning or knowledge. The speciality is in the meaning but not in the language. If the same meaning is conveyed by different foreign languages, what is the harm? It is the conveyed meaning that gives right direction for the practical implementation of sacrifice to please God.

    Sacrifice is related to the meaning that results in the actual action. A speaker may come in a very posh car decorated by several flowers and if he does not give the right direction in his speech, what is the use of that posh car and its decoration? Another speaker might have come on a simple bicycle without any decoration, but he may give the right direction in his speech.

    Therefore, the meaning that gives right direction to practice will lead the soul to God and not the vehicle-language and external decorations like religious customs.

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