The last leg of dharma

Discussion in 'Hinduism' started by Hindu, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. Hindu

    Hindu Member Staff Member

    The last leg of dharma "The Bull" is the leg of truth. In all yuga starting from Satyuga where he stands on 4 legs, 3 in Tretayuga, 2 in Dwaparyuga, in kaliyuga he stands only on 1 leg of truth. So truth is something which remains in all 4 yugas.

    Presently in modernised world most of The Business strategy are based on Lie, e.g. of BPO's in Bharatvarsh where for the sake of sales and collection, lie is the only way to reach our goals, if we don't lie we can't achieve our target, right?

    Is it that lie, one way to earn profit in business? NO.
    A person lie or do not. What's been written in his/her destiny based on past karmas is what would be deserved, lie would only bind us with more bad karmas whose fruits we would get in future but neither lie neither truth would help us earn more money if that money is not in our destiny.

    There are many who does earn money in a wrong way, by gambling, cheating, robbing or with lie in business and such money turns useless. It would either lend us or our family members in some problem, hospital expenses, jail, court matters or involve us in bad habits like booze, intoxication, gambling, wasting money on unnecessary things which would make us more greedy and cruel, would also make us far from spirituality the only truth were real happiness could be found.

    Vedic scripture mentions the God of money is maa Laxmi, maa Laxmi belongs to Bhagwan Narayan and when we use that laxmi/money for our material satisfaction we are considered as Ravana who wanted to enjoy mata Sita independently, Maa Sita is one form of maa laxmi who was kidnapped by Ravana and because he wanted her for his personal greed, so we who enjoy Laxmi/money for our personal greed die the same way like Ravana did in a cruel way.

    Money should be utilised in a particular manner as mentioned by Sukracharya to King Bali. Divide the income in 5 parts
    1. For serving mother cow and Brahmans
    2. For pilgrimage.
    3. For our Business or work purpose.
    4. For family members and emergency.
    5. For charity in temples, help poors, animals etc.

    I.e 2:5th of the income if used for us and 3:5th for a higher cause. The one who follow this procedure, would never lend in any debts, health related issues, or any unnecessary expenditure through our life, such people remains satisfied, happy, never under depression or any such feelings but the problem is with the term "faith" which no body got in the words of God's mentioned in the scripture and this is what makes us suffer for millions and billions births. We keep faith in Doctors who will loot us or in relatives and friends who might cheat us, or partners who would trouble us, our boss who would always use us...but never believe in God and his words who is settled within the core of our heart and trying his best to make us free from this bodily trap forever.
    Via : Dhaval

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