Two types of people in this world

Discussion in 'General discussion' started by Hindu, Jun 24, 2015.

  1. Hindu

    Hindu Member Staff Member

    Unknown person calling us in a crowd of thousand we might just ignore him assuming, we don't know him why would he bother to call us?

    And when someone known and dear to us calling in front of thousand, we would respond.

    There are 2 such types of people in this world.

    One, who calls God with only material desires in mind. God _/\_ you give me this and I shall come bare foot to your temple and burst one coconut as if God is a poor fellow who desires our much selfish we are, we do business with God in which we are the client, we need the profit, we want to enjoy and if any problems, God shall keep it for himself.

    One, calls God with no material desires and only love for him in mind, no give and take relation, indeed a devotee only desire to give him what's best according to his/er ability.

    When any person with material desires calls God, God ignores that prayer, assuming why would that person bother to call me when his mind is filled only with material desires?

    All of us who ask God for material things, let it be passing in exam or getting a life partner. These desires are never fulfilled by God but by our own good/bad deeds we had sown in past, it's a waste of time to ask God for material desires, he won't give us and even our prayers are ignored like the unknown person calling someone in a crowd of thousand.

    But the other person who calls God with love for him, is like the known and very dear person to God even in a crowd of million, God would respond him. His prayers would be answered and if by chance there are little material desires left, God fulfills without even asking and when God fulfills those material desires, all material desires and relationships comes to an end forever.

    ||Sri HitAmbrish maharaj||

    ||HaRe KrIshna|
    Via: Dhaval Yash Das
  2. deafAncient

    deafAncient New Member

    Namaste Hindu,

    What about the person who isn't the first type, but also not the second type entirely, in that a relationship between jīva and Brahman doesn't exist, because it is seamlessly one and the same, indescribable, happening all at once?

  3. Sanatan Sinhnaad

    Sanatan Sinhnaad New Member

    Brother Ancient, can you please elaborate what are you asking exactly ?
  4. Sanatan Sinhnaad

    Sanatan Sinhnaad New Member

    Brother Ancient, can you please elaborate what are you asking exactly ?
  5. Senthil

    Senthil Active Member Staff Member

    I think the OP must have meant there are two types of devotees, in general, since many people (especially outside of India) don't worship God at all. 'None' is the growing view on faith.

    I've always thought an easier generalisation is simply to say there are net givers, and net takers, in how we relate in society.
  6. deafAncient

    deafAncient New Member

    Namaste Sanatan Sinhnaad,

    It is sister Ancient. :)

    What I mean is that such a person knows not to worship Brahman on the condition of being granted boons, but at the same time is unable to express a "love for" an entity that exists outside and above the person. What is there to love, since you are not the object because the Self is you? I speak of nondualism, pure nondualism, in that when I see Gaṇeśa or Mahālakṣmi at temple, it feels exactly like I'm looking at myself, like I'm worshiping myself. I don't sense or see it outside of myself, only as antaryāmin within. I have always been this way because of my deafness, which prevented me from learning to speak, read, write, or interact with children normally until I was finally diagnosed as being deaf at seven and a half years old. I didn't know about religion for another year, and by then, my worldview of this experience had already set in place, and I've spent my whole life trying to find other people or a path that is similar enough to my worldview to help bridge me to a common ground with people. Otherwise without it, I'm a sampradāya of ONE. The only adherent in the world of Svārasya Amūrta Advaita. I'm half-civilized, and half-feral, and I still remember the childhood experience very clearly. I think that what happens is that in infancy, we are where we are naturally, but as we grow as children, we have the three lenses of civilization put upon us: 1) language; 2) social norms; and 3) religion. These color how we experience things. Eventually, we forget what the world looks like without these lenses, and then we spend our whole lives trying to get back to that place before we became civilized. I think most children forget about their primal state of mind at about 2-4 years old, whereas, I fully lived within this awareness up past seven and a half years old. Language divides up/compartmentalizes what is naturally a seamless experience. Social norms dictate how you share that experience with others, whether it is largely materially oriented with playing with toys and visiting elders, or spiritually oriented in the process of spiritual education in the first stage of life. Religion (or lack thereof) forms your perceptions and experiences with the spiritual journey of your life.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2015
  7. Sanatan Sinhnaad

    Sanatan Sinhnaad New Member

    Sorry Ancient , I didn't recognise you. Well what you are talking about is Nondualism or Advait, but the above para is for dvait.
    When we talk about God is means we are on track of dvait philosophy n when we talk about Self we are spinning around Advait. This is beauty of Hinduism that it have many philosophies but there are some common adherent like Law of Karma, Ultimate Goal Mokshya etc We have many arguments to support our own theories but we have many things common within us. This is the miracle of Sanatan Dharma. When christians are fighting between Catholics and protestants Muslims between Shia and Sunnis. We are United and believe on all kind of philosophies or methods to find the ultimate truth.
    Let's look what Vedas says about God,

    Na dvitityo Na triyaschthurtho naapyuchyate|
    N a panchamo Na shshtah sapthmo naapyuchyate|
    Nashtamo Na navamo dashamo naapyuchyate|
    Yagna yetham devamekavritham veda||
    Sa sarvassai vi pashyathi yachha praanathi yachhana|
    Tamidam nigatam sah sa yesha yeka yekavrideka yeva|
    Ya yetham devamekavritham veda||
    Atharva 13.4[2]19-20

    There is no second God, nor a third, nor is even a fourth spoken of There is no fifth God or a sixth nor is even a seventh mentioned. There is no eighth God, nor a ninth. Nothing is spoken about a tenth even. This unique power is in itself. That Lord is only one, the only omnipresent. It is one and the only one.

    Indram Mitram varunamagnimaahuratho divyah sa suparno garuthmaan|
    Yekham sadvipra bahudha vadantyagnim yamam maatarishwanamaahuh||
    Rigveda 1.64.46

    The real God is one, the enlightened ones, speak of Him in several ways, God is divine, the supreme protector and graceful sentient, the Universal soul. They call Him Indra, the Almighty, the universal friend [mitra]. Varuna the most acceptable and obliterator of sins, they describe Him as [agnim] the supreme guide of the Universe, {Yaman} the controller of the Universe, and {matarishvanam] the life of all lives

    you can never perceive GOD through Intellect ( i.e limited Human Intellect ) since he is beyond
    human intellect. You cannot perceive GOD through you limited FIve Senses either ( nose , ears , eyes , skin or brain ).
    Ancient Hindu Sages medidated for thousands - thousands of years ....practising Gyana Yoga .

    you cannot proove God by science or senses. Its upto you how and when you will feel God.

    As Mundaka Upanishad says:

    That supreme Brahman is infinite, and this conditioned Brahman is infinite. The infinite proceeds from infinite. If you subtract the infinite from the infinite, the infinite remains alone.

    So as per science you cannot find infinite same as the scriptures says.

    The alone truth is God/Brahman
    "brahma satyam jagat mithya" i.e Brahman is real, the world is unreal

    Now question arises what is Brahman
    for some Brahman is Knowledge "prajnānam brahma", for other Brahman is self "ayam ātmā brahma".
    whole world is Brahman i.e sarvam khalv idam brahma

    aham brahmāsmi i.e "I am Brahman" like wise Exodus 3:14 "And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you."

    Accrording to Gita 14.27 brahmano hi pratisthaham i.e Brahman is considered the all pervading consciousness which is the basis of all the animate and inanimate entities and material.

    So Brahman is truth, knowledge and infinity i.e. satyam jnanam anantam brahman.

    God is not just something that stays in a far off heaven, who would be met with after death, if one gets to heaven etc. God is omnipresent. It is right in front of us. Oh, It is right inside us too. Well, It is in each and every minute of the minute particle present/void anywhere! Does It stay in a world beyond ? Of course It does there too. (Very renowned gAyatri mantra hails the Supreme to be the earth, the world around and the skies beyond). One need not wait for the whole lifetime to get to meet God. The important concept in Hinduism is that God can be realized right here in this world and the God is not just Magnificent Almighty, but is also a sweet lovely One, with whom you can have a relationship - devotee, spouse, sibling, child, parent... God is not just in some heavens, It is right in us. It is both transcendental as well as intermixed in everything. Those who realize Its presence reap the grand reward.

    Those who say He resides up in the sky, say so; Those who say the Lord of divines residing down in the world beneath, say so. I would say, the Lord of wisdom, Who got His throat brightly adorned with the stain of poison, is residing in my heart !

    So it depends on you only that how you believe God or do not believe in it.
    it is not matter of belief but matter of Karma.
    I remember in my childhood when I failed in some task my Father asked me do you believe in God?
    I in anger said no. Then he said do you believe in Truth. I said Yes! Obsiouly. If truth falls all humanity will fall.
    Then he said yes so Truth is your God.

    The beauty of Hinduism is that the concept of God is tried to be understood, experienced. There are purANas that elaborately tell through the voice of the divines the glory of God. These are one part. On the other hand the scriptures like upaniShads analyze through questioning and reasoning the concept of God. These two types go very much hand in hand. Neither the divine glory limited to the reaches of the human mind with the purANa like scriptures telling the things beyond the normal human reach. At the same time they do not command a blind following of some super-human texts, but also very much permit analysis. The presence of a range of philosophies in Hindu system is the testimony of this. There are texts like yogasutras that cover the scope from reasoning to divine glory too. So the total and complete spectrum of human verification to super-human wisdom is richly available for the smooth progress of the follower in Hinduism. No need to be blind-folded, explore your way to the Supreme !!

    Shiva Bless...
    3 people like this.
  8. deafAncient

    deafAncient New Member

    Beautiful, Sanatan! I am fully aware of what you are saying, so I'm having to learn what is truth as I go through this.

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