Vehicle of Lord Shiva & Goddess Parvathi

Discussion in 'Lord Shiva' started by Vikram, Dec 19, 2015.

  1. Vikram

    Vikram New Member

    Lord Siva rides the Bull, Nandi, which stands for the harassing, forceful, visually impaired and animal force in man. It likewise remains for unbridled sexual vitality, kama. Just Lord Siva can offer us some assistance with controlling these and change them.

    His consort Shri Parvathi, differently called Uma, Chandi, Durga or Kali utilizes Tiger as her vehicle. Tiger remains for pitilessness, mercilessness, outrage, roughness and threatening vibe towards different creatures. Pravathi with her elegance can man to control every one of these qualities in him and turn into an edified being similar to Lord Siva.

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