Vishayananda means pleasure derived in life from ordinary things of the world, while Atmananda means happiness discovered within oneself that is Atma. We saw that the fundamental mistake we commit is expecting permanent happiness from vishayananda. Sastra says that world has no happiness of its own to give you. Then how does sastra explain for the pleasures I am now enjoying in life. The sastra says the occasional happiness you enjoy, that is Vishayananda is temporary and ephemeral. Even this is not really coming from the external world, but it is coming from your own inner self, called Atmananda, which is within you all the time. We know how A dog loves to chew a dry bone, which does not have a drop of blood or a bit of flesh in it. The secret is that the sharp ends of the bone cuts its moutn and it licks its own blood. Every time it chews a bone, it is so happy and thinks that the bone is the cause of happiness. The same thing is happening to all of us. When our mind is calm and peaceful we enjoy many things which have repulsed us earlier. When your son has been selected for the much sought after IAS, you are so happy you will cheer and smile at every other person, and you give extra tip to the cab driver or the server at the restaurant. And when you have just heard about loss of a business, you cannot enjoy even a five star lunch. So Sastra says the occasional surges of happiness is really coming from within you, triggered by the external object or situation. If only you learn to dip into your own Ananda, you don’t have to depend on any other external cause. So the problem is that not knowing the source of real and permanent happiness, we go after external objects which are finite and temporary. We assume that adding finite things we can discover Poornatvam or infinity. Swamiji asks, “Can finite + finite be equal to infinite?” Finite + finite will always be finite alone, never infinite. Krishna says the fulfillment a person enjoys from spiritual wisdom is all encompassing one in which all the worldly pleasures are included. In life we pity a person who has taken sanyasa at an young age thinking that he is missing so many pleasures of the world. But in reality he pities us for our short lived pleasures, because what he gets includes all the pleasures that all the people get. Krishna compares each pleasure like money pleasure, wife pleasure, child pleasure, status pleasure, they all are like small small ponds of fresh water, each one serving one one purpose only. while Atmananda the infinite happiness is like a large lake of fresh water like Lake Ontario, in which all the benefits of all the smaller ponds are included. In short finite is included in infinite while infinite cannot be has in finite. This Atmananda alone is Moksha in which all other pleasures are included, and knowing this source of Atmananda alone called Atma Vichara or Atma Vidya or Self Knowledge. Hari Om.