Hi, I want to renounce worldly life and become a Sanyasi. I want to go to Varanasi for the same. But I don't know anyone in Varanasi. Does anyone know of any place or organization in Varanasi to start off? Thanks.
You want to be the wandering kind, or belong to a mutt/monastery/aadheenam? If it's the latter, Rishikesh would be a better bet. No Guru worth a grain of salt would initiate anyone without substantial training first.
Actually I would prefer to go to Varanasi as I'm more of a devotee of Lord Shiva. I don't mind being the wandering kind, if that's what it takes. And no problem about the training. I'm ready to undergo any penace for becoming a Sanyasi.
In order to be properly initiated into the Holy Order of Sannyas, it has to be by another sannyasin. I would suggest reading 'Vivekenanda's 'Song of the Sannyasin'. There is much training to be done, in the fine arts of celibacy, meditation, and more.