What is AGNIHOTRA? Learn VEDIC AGNIHOTRA for health, prosperity and happiness

Discussion in 'Hinduism' started by Speechless world, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. Speechless world

    Speechless world New Member

    What is AGNIHOTRA?

    Agnihotra is a divine science from the ancient science of Vedas. It is a process of purifying the self and the atmosphere through a specially prepared agni (fire) performed EXACTLY at sunrise and sunset daily.

    Anyone in any walk of life can do Agnihotra and heal self and the atmosphere in his/her own home. Thousands of people all over the world since times immemorial have experienced that Agnihotra reduces stress, leads to greater clarity of thought, improves overall health, gives one increased energy, and makes the mind more full of love, improves family relations. It is also a great aid to drug and alcohol de-addiction. Agnihotra also neutralizes even harmful radiation and pathogenic bacteria. It harmonizes the functioning of Prana (life energy) and can be used to purify water resources.

    Agnihotra results in the energy not just from the Agni (fire) but also from subtle energies that are created by the rhythms and mantras. These energies are generated or thrust into the atmosphere by Agni (fire). This, in addition to the qualities of the materials burned, produces the full effect of this healing HOMA (healing fire). Much healing energy emanates from the specifically designed Agnihotra pyramid.

    Agnihotra is mentioned in the Atharvaveda (11:7:9) and described in detail in the Yajurveda Samhita and the Shatapatha Brahmana (12:4:1). The Vedic form of the ritual is still performed by the Nambudiri Brahmins of Kerala and by a small number of Vaidiki Brahmins in South & a few in North India. The ones who conduct Agnihotra traditionally for many generations are called Agnihotri.

    The shortest Agnihotra consists of making five offerings to the fire exactly at the time of sunrise & sunset along with the chanting of five small Sanskrit mantras.The offerings consist of two pinchfuls of uncooked and unbroken rice grains smeared with a few drops of desi cow’s pure ghee.

    The agni (fire) is prepared out of dried cow-dung cakes in a small copper pot of a semi-pyramid shape. The positive effects of Agnihotra are an outcome of simultaneous functioning of many subtle scientific principles such as, effect of chanting of specific sounds on the atmosphere and mind, energies emanating from the pyramid- shape, nutritional effect of burning of medicinal ingredients and the effects of bio-rhythms etc .

    Agnihotra balances the cycle of nature and nourishes the human life. It creates pure, clean and medicinal atmosphere. It cleanses the negative effects of pollution.

    Agnihotra is for purification and healing of the atmosphere. The atmosphere in which we live today is polluted in all respects. Many complex problems which the world witnesses today have their origin in pollution.

    In today’s polluted atmosphere, we witness mass destruction of forests, disappearance of many species of plants, animals, insects, birds, disturbance in ecocycles, ozone depletion, global warming, acid rain and decreasing agricultural production. Human health is at stake. Many killing diseases like cancer and AIDS are on the rise. Increased alcoholism and drug abuse is a great challenge. Human mind is under great stress giving rise to more violence and many complex family and social problems. The list is unending.
    For the Practice of Agnihotra a Few Disciplines are Observed:
    Agnihotra is performed exactly at local sunrise/sunset timings.
    A semi-pyramid shaped copper pot has to be used.
    A small fire prepared using dried cow dung cakes.
    Two pinchfuls of uncooked rice grains smeared with few drops of desi cow’s ghee are offered in fire.

    Five simple Sanskrit mantras are chanted while offering.
    The Sunrise and Sunset Mantras:
    In the morning exactly at sunrise the offerings are made with the Mantras: (While meditating on the divinity, viz. Soorya)
    1. Gayatri Mantra
    2. ‘Om Sooryay swaha, sooryaya idam na mama’
    3. 'Om Somay Swaha, idam somaaya idam na mama'
    4. ‘Om Prajapataye swaha, prajapataye idam na mama’
    5. 'Om Indray Swaha, idam indraya idam na mama'

    And in the Evening Exactly at the Sunset the Offerings are Made With the Mantras:
    (While meditating on divinity Agni devta)
    1. Gayatri Mantra
    2. 'Om Agnaye Swaha, idam agnaye idam na mama'
    3. 'Om Somay Swaha, idam somaaya idam na mama'
    4. ‘Om Prajapataye swaha, prajapataye idam na mama’
    5. 'Om Indray Swaha, idam indraya idam na mama'

    The positive effects of Agnihotra are an outcome of simultaneous functioning of many subtle scientific principles, such as, effect of chanting of specific sounds on the atmosphere and mind, energies emanating from the pyramid- shape, nutritional effects of burning the medicinal ingredients, effects of the bio-rhythms etc. Agnihotra balances the cycle of nature and nourishes the human life. It creates pure, clean and medicinal atmosphere. It cleanses the negative effects of pollution. Your family and social life becomes more loving and mind more stable and focused. There are many more benefits of it

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