What is Bhakti or Devotion in Hinduism ?

Discussion in 'General discussion' started by Amit, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. Amit

    Amit New Member

    Yat gyatva matto bhavati, Sthabhdho bhavati, atmaramo bhavati.
    (यत् ज्ञात्वा मतो भवति , स्थब्धो भवति, आत्मरमो भवति)

    Narad is, here describing a person attained to Bhakti. Once a person has drowned himself in the ocean of devotion, he abandons everything in the care of God. He becomes like an empty vessel in an ocean. Then, god descends into him and takes charge of everything. Now, such a person becomes a vessel of god. He moves, as god desires him to. Such a person may appear to be of unsound mind to the worldly people since he is no longer bound by the societal norms or cannons of scriptures. Such a person sometimes sits quietly in a state of ‘Samadhi’ sometimes he is dancing or singing for no reason examples of Chaitnya, Mira, Ramkrishna, Paramhansa are of such devotees.

    The devotion in full details described in Shri Narad Bhakti Sutras:
    Here is some contents:

    Shri Narad Bhakti Sutras(Ch 2)
    NBS 18: Śāṇḍilya says that bhakti results from one's removing all obstructions to taking pleasure in the Supreme Self.

    NBS 19: Nārada, however, says that bhakti consists of offering one's every act to the Supreme Lord and feeling extreme distress in forgetting Him.

    NBS 20: Bhakti is, in fact, correctly described in each of these ways.

    NBS 21: The cowherd women of Vraja are an example of pure bhakti.

    NBS 22: Even in the case of the gopīs, one cannot criticize them for forgetting the Lord's greatness.

    NBS 23: On the other hand, displays of devotion without knowledge of God's greatness are no better than the affairs of illicit lovers.

    NBS 24: In such false devotion one does not find pleasure exclusively in the Lord's pleasure.

    NBS 25: Pure devotional service, on the other hand, is far superior to fruitive work, philosophical speculation, and mystic meditation.

    NBS 26: After all, bhakti is the fruit of all endeavor.

    NBS 27: Furthermore, the Lord dislikes the proud but is pleased with the humble.

    NBS 28: Some say that knowledge is the means for developing devotion.

    NBS 29: Others consider bhakti and knowledge interdependent.

    NBS 30: But the son of Brahmā says that bhakti is its own fruit.

    NBS 31-32: This is illustrated by the examples of a royal palace, a meal, and so on. A king is not really satisfied just by seeing a palace, nor can someone placate his hunger just by looking at a meal.

    NBS 33: Therefore seekers of liberation should take to devotional service alone.

    submission is the necessary condition for the devotion but submission alone is not the devotion as even an evil or slave can submit to his master. There are few necessary attributes of devotion
    1. Following the truth
    2. Absence of any secondary self desires than God.

    Sutra#23 describes the first:

    NBS #23: On the other hand, displays of devotion without knowledge of God's greatness are no better than the affairs of illicit lovers.
    This Sutra define that one should submit to God and must posses the truth.

    Sutra#7 defines that one should leave his desire as devotion is the path of renunciation and not desires. Referene:
    NBS#7. Sa na Kamayamana, nirodharupwat.
    (स न कामयाम्ना, निरोधरुप्वत)
    That (Bhakti) is not full of desires it is of the nature of renunciation.

    Next sutra further describe the very renounciation.

    NBS#9. Tasminnanyata tadavirodhisudasinata.
    (तस्मिन्नन्यता तदा विरोधिषु उदासीनता)
    To become one with him and to have no interest in anything else is also called renunciation.

    "Hare Krishna"
  2. Hindu

    Hindu Member Staff Member

    here is my opinion of what is devotion ?
    Devotion means bhakti which means genuine search of parameshwara.
    Devotion is a search which begins continues but never ends..it madness of extreme love towards param purusha. it is eternal freedom with love.
    its is high determination with intense love towards god.
    this love doesn't need or it does not get effected by materialistic benefits but eternal joy of attainment.
    Devotion is natural procedure within humans to enjoy never ending enjoyment.

    Navdha Bhakti is described in the Ramayana as follows:

    1 Shravanm Bhakti
    A devotee listens to the divine names and qualities of Shree Krishna.

    2 Kirtnam Bhakti
    A devotee sings bhajans-kirtans about the names, deeds and other divine qualities of Shree Krishna.

    3 Smarnam Bhakti
    A devotee constantly remembers and meditates on the names and lilas of Shree Krishna.

    4 Paad-Sevan Bhakti
    A devotee does seva of Shree Krishna’s divine feet.

    5 Archnam Bhakti
    A devotee performs seva of an idol of Shree Krishna.

    6 Vandnam Bhakti
    A devotee prostrate before Shree Krishna.

    7 Dassyam Bhakti
    A devotee becomes a volunteer servant in the service of Shree Krishna and dedicates all his actions to Him.

    8 Shakhay Bhakti
    A devotee worships Shree Krishna in the form of a friend and cultivates his friendship.

    9 Atma-Nivedan Bhakti
    A devotee dedicates all his body and material possessions to Shree Krishna.

    In Srimad Bhagvat the same above Navdha Bhakti of Shree Vishnu is taught by Prahlad to his father Hiranyakasipu.
    Whether you worship Shree Vishnu directly or through his incarnations as Shree Krishna, Shree Ram or any one or more of his twenty incarnations the Navdha Bhakti remains the same.

    In Aranyakand of Shree Ramcharitramanas by Goswami Tulsidasji Bhagwan Ram himself tells about the navdhabhakti to Shabriji. Shree Ram recites the following nine types of Bhakti and tells Shabriji to listen attentively and to absorb it.

    1 Satsang Bhakti
    Satsang with other devotees is the first Bhakti.

    2 Love for katha of Shree Ram
    Love and interest in kathas of Shree Ram is the second Bhakti.

    3 Paad Seva of Guru
    Seva of Guru’s feet without any pride is the third Bhakti.

    4 Gun-gaan Bhakti
    To sing, without any deceit, bhajans of Shree Ram’s divine merits is the fourth Bhakti.

    5 Ram Nam jaap
    Jaap of Ram Nam with rock solid faith is the fifth Bhakti and it famous inVedas also.

    6 Viragya living
    Living a life of free from desires of indriyas, with simple and high moral character, having viragya from many activities and doing dharmic duties with pious people is the sixth Bhakti.

    7 Shree Ram’s presence in all
    Seeing Shree Ram in everybody and treating them accordingly and considering Sants even higher than Shree Ram is the seventh Bhakti.

    8 Contentment
    Being contended with what you have and not seeing faults in others is the eight Bhakti.

    9 Straightforwardness
    Without deceit and straightforward dealings with others, heart full of faith in Me and reamining calm in good or bad situations (Stithpragana) is the ninth Bhakti.

    Shree Rams says to Shabari that even if only one of the above bhakti is present in any one than he or she is Priya to Me.

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