To explain the meaning of the brahman let me give a small example there is a car in which four persons are sitting one is driving the car other three are sitting and out of which two are guiding one takes you to right direction other guides you to physical lure and physical entities.the fourth one keeps on watching all things unaffected .if the person meets the accident he is responsible for listening to the wrong person if he listens to the right person he will drive car to right direction and reach the destination. 1st person is evil mind 2nd person is good mind 3rd person is brhamn who remains unaffected by any change of life Driver is the human who has to listen to either of two and if he remains unaffected by the two he becomes brahm
Hi I, Thank you for this simple, but brilliant analogy on Brahman. This also brought into mind Krishna's teaching in the Uddhava Gita... One who has transcended material good and evil automatically acts in accordance with religious injunctions and avoids forbidden activities. The self-realized person does this spontaneously, like an innocent child, and not because he is thinking in terms of material good and evil.