Where is Hinduism Practiced?

Discussion in 'Hinduism' started by Aloisia, Nov 21, 2015.

  1. Aloisia

    Aloisia New Member

    I would like to know Where is Hinduism Practiced by large ?
  2. Ignorant

    Ignorant New Member

    I am an Indian and am proud to be an Indian. If you want to talk about the practicing of religion here, it will be my pleasure to state that the religion followed by a vast majority of India is Hinduism. It solely emphasizes fully individually on independence and space.

    It is a matter of great joy to learn that Hinduism originates from the teachings of Vedas. To be precise, it is the root to originate Hindu culture and religion. There are four different types of Vedas for the Hindus which are:

    · Rig Veda

    · Yajur Veda

    · Sama Veda

    · Atharva Veda

    Among all, the Rig Veda is the oldest one! Their teachings have been known to pass from one generation to another. It has been observed that maximum Hindus strictly follow the teachings associated with these Vedas. Also, they are known to be among the fundamental collections for the purpose of teaching something to the followers.

    They are known to touch each and every aspect of human life, where high efforts need to be put to embed them into mind. Rather than pertaining to a particular time frame, they solely pertain to the wellness of mankind. If you want to know something about the practicing place of Hinduism then my answer will be in mind and all around to spread sanctity.

    As life is considered to be an everlasting process the circle goes on and on. After death the soul remains safe sided hence leaving the body in a destructed condition. Also the actions performed are solely related to the soul of mankind. Earlier people felt difficult to realize this virtual fact and figure. But nowadays, people are slowly bending towards the path of religious beliefs where they have started giving due importance to the action performed known as Karma.

    Good Karma will lead you towards good incarnation and vice versa. There exist many rituals as well as customs to be followed to pertain Hinduism. Slowly, it is becoming customary to follow deities as well as the associated customs. Earlier beliefs were either blindly followed or simply avoid. Slowly, with the passage of time man is getting higher education and as a result is now able to find scientific logic related to them. The Yogic practices are the best suitable examples.

    Though Hinduism is considered to be probably among the oldest religions, concept regarding place to practice Hinduism is becoming crystal clear. A lot of reforms have been observed due to changing of time. It is a matter of joy to observe and infer that the original customs no more remain inside the boundaries of the temples and institutes. Instead it has reached to many people all around the world.

    Solace has been researched in Hinduism by the youngsters. The chanting of the most sacred “OM” is now no more restricted to the Hindus but has been able to spread all around the world. It is believed to enhance concentration power. Apart from all, Hinduism is being considered as the religion full of customs cum traditions for the purpose of leading a life void of any sadness.
  3. Senthil

    Senthil Active Member Staff Member

    Hinduism has been in India, Sri Lanka, Malayasia, Pakistan, and Nepal for a very long time. When the British came, and sugar was king, Hindus were taken to far away places, and Hinduism became common in Fiji, South Africa, Guyana, Trinidad, Mauritius, and elsewhere. This is called the sugar diaspora. Then, about 50 years ago, in the 1960s, with immigration opening up all over, Hindus (from the original ones, and from the diaspora) spread again to almost the entire planet. So there are significant numbers in Europe, North America, and elsewhere now. The southernmost Hindu temple is in Punta Arenas, Argentina, and the nothernmost in Trondheim, Norway. Only 3 countries have a majority Hindu population ... Mauritius, India, and Nepal.

    So ... basically everywhere.
  4. Aloisia

    Aloisia New Member

    Thanks, but i have read somewhere that Hinduism had roots around the world in past..how and when did it change ?
  5. Senthil

    Senthil Active Member Staff Member

    The oldest archeological evidence is from the Indus Valley civilization, and namely the cities of Mohenjodara, and Harappa. But our knowledge of history is constantly changing as new archeological digs give new evidence. Then, of course, we have bias in all of that. So it's all impossible to determine definitively.
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  6. Aloisia

    Aloisia New Member

    Thanks for the answers..
    I would be coming up with many unusual questions from time to time as and when they come up in my mind..
    I am here to learn from questions that pop up in my mind.
  7. Nimrat

    Nimrat New Member

    Namastey Aloisia,

    Hinduism is practiced mostly in India. Gurukul, Rishi Munis, Yogic Saints and even famous Hindu God's and Goddesses used to practice Sadhana known as 'Meditation'. Hinduism has 33 crore of Gods/Goddesses. Thus many spiritual books mention the depths of Hinduism in India. Still now India has so many festivals with many Hindu rituals. Many Spiritual books like SRIMAD BHAGVAD GITA RAMAYANA and MAHABHARATA helps in knowing Hinduism more better. So because of these festivals and cultures in India Hinduism also became popular in west.
    ~Hari Om
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