Among all the religions present in the world, Hinduism is considered to be the oldest one. But I is a matter of surprise to learn that there exists no single founder or any associated incident responsible for its founding. Instead it has been reported to grow out of changes associated with cultural as well as religious changes in India. It is universal truth that God is one! We pray him in different ways and believe in varied avatars. According to the beliefs associated of the Hindus, God can take different forms which form a single and universal spirit. It has been more than hundreds of years when many people have searched for evidences regarding the foundation of Hinduism. It has been stated by great philosophers that this particular religion is open to construal and is a collection of wisdom on the basis of reasoning by human. Nobody holds the right to point out the divine authority among the specific founders. It must be noted for the sake of General knowledge that the term “HINDU” comes from the Indus Valley Civilization and the Punjab. The excavations present into these two cities hold the evidences of the third millennium. In case anybody used to reside into that region, regardless of the religion believed he was known to be either Hindu or Hindu Muslim. As its location was by the rivers, water was used mainly for the purpose of irrigating the fertile plains. The water of the river was utilized for: · Drinking · Bathing · Ritual Cleansing The river was also known popularly by the name of “rivers of life” and was hence considered to be sacred. According to the Hindus, religion is considered to be another aspect similar to breathing in body. The temples found by the archaeologists hold void indication regarding primary deity. Instead there exist a wide number of Gods and Goddesses which form the symbol of creativity along with smooth ongoing of daily life. In the earlier days, each and every village used to hold own statue for the purpose of worship. It is the result of mixed politics which gave birth to the modeling of ancient Babylonia where the ruler was depicted as the son of mother Goddess. It has come to notice that with about more than seven hundred million believers of Hinduism, the majority live in India. Even many have started residing in foreign countries who are taking the initiative to spread the teachings associated with Hinduism. To be precise, this religion is subjected to philosophies and thoughts, which are subjected to change with the pace of time. Still no typical and single founder has been reported to be found. Also there exist no creed, no authority who can be considered as a founder of Hinduism. Instead there is a big thing to be noticed! The philosophies which are related to each other simply share some resemblance with each other. No particularly defined beginning exists here in comparison to others! Instead it may be considered to be a gift from the God Himself!