Who is the founder of Hinduism?

Discussion in 'Hinduism' started by garry420, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. garry420

    garry420 Well-Known Member

    How does any religion get founder?

    Normally a person, prophet or a philosopher comes up against some questionable approach or thought process or mankind with his own system revolutionary and when people starts following it with complete devotion and zeal thats when the new stage of religion is set up. This tends to happen when this system is unique and donot follow any of the existing thought process and hence formation of new religion. now once this new religion comes into existance with its discuples and followers it starts spreading among the people who believe in this new and unique revolutionary system.Thus this man, prophet or a philosopher who have brought it to the world becomes the founder of this newly formed religion, but incase of Hinduism whatever the seers have taught or bring in new have already been part of Hinduism some way or the other way.Hence when it comes to Hinduism there is no specific founder and not specific day of its origin

    Hinduism always have had Gurus, seers, Rishis, Saints and revolutionary leaders who reformed the society with the new way of the forgotten thought processes if hindu culture and traditions.

    Who is the founder of Hinduism?

    This is one of the most basic questions asked about Hinduism by the majority of people who don't know about Hinduism.

    They take Hinduism as a religion hence search for the founder of Hinduism as in other religions like Christianity which was founded by Jesus Christ, Islam was founded by Prophet Mohammad , Buddhism by Gautam Buddha and so forth.

    The answer to this question is there is no founder of Hinduism as it existed from the time mankind existed on earth.

    In case of Hinduism it existed from time unmemorable.

    You might see that Hindu scriptures and holy books talk about the things and events that happened over period of time and the calculation of time is well mentioned in the holy books of Hindus.

    Many scientific excavations have show the existence of the community even thousands of years back taking examples of the most ancient civilization that existed in harappa and Mohenjo daro reveal the truth where in they worshiped lord shiva in the forum of shiva linga.

    Many philosphers and saints have come with in this system of belief and they formed many subsets or sub-sects of this great religion with their set of beliefs but majority of them took the teachings of vedas to different forms of Hinduism So, there is No Single (Human) Founder for Hinduism and it existed from time unexplored, as a religion.

    The culture is said to be flourished in ancient India which was formerly called as bharat but the recent excavations have shown the remains of Hindu customs and traditions around the world.

    Hinduism was always taken from one generation to another generation by the Ancient rishi's and saints' through teacher-disciple tradition (Gury-Shishya Parampara).

    Vedas are believed to be the supreme commandment of god and the age of veda's is still unknown to the scientists

    If we look at the vedic or ancient history of Hinduism , there have been countless rishis who propagated the ancient teachings of hindu literature to the different parts of the world but none of them can be called a founder. Each one of these spiritual gurus passed on the knowledge received from their gurus.

    As said by one of the saints "Religions will come propogate and distory by dharma was from the start of the universe and will remain till the date universe exists "

    dharma cannot be made not can it be destroyed

    dharman tu sakshad bhagavat pranitam.

    Age of Hinduism

    Dates for your Concern

    • RIGVED: 6000 BC: Rigvedic mantras were composed.
    • KALIYUG: -3102: Kaliyuga begins. Kali era, Hindu calendar also known as Yugabd starts.
    • SINDH (HINDU): -3000: Hindu religion weaving in Sindh near East and Indus- (Sarasvati) Valley.
    • DHRITRASTRA: -1472: Reign of Dhritarashtra, father of the Kauravas. Reign of Yudhisthira, king of the Pandavas.
    • MAHABHARAT: -1316: Mahabharata epic poem is composed by Sage Vyasa.
    • SMRITI: -500: Over the next 300 years numerous secondary Hindu scriptures (smriti) were composed: Shrauta Sutras, Grihya Sutras, Dharma Sutras, Mahabharata, Ramayana and Puranas, etc.
    • HINDU YEAR: -58: Vikrama Samvat Era Hindu calendar begins.
    • MANU: 400: Laws of Manu (Manu Dharma Shastras) written. Its 2,685 verses codify cosmogony, four ashramas, government, domestic affairs, caste and morality (others date at -600).

    Origin of word Hindu.

    There was no word "Hindu" or "Hinduism in any of the Hindu holy sculptures or holy books.

    The term Hindu came into existence from the religion of Punjab & the Indus Valley in India. The people of India living beside the Indus river were primarily called as Indu irrespective of His beliefs and sects, which later on became Hindu.

    The Hindu word in Persian Gave Word Hindu Means BLACK Thief & Slave Etc.

    original meaning of Hindu is dog, low life or slave, shrewd and worst of mankind

    People who lived on the western side of Hindu Kush (killers of Hindus) mountains gave this name to the natives of India. The word Hindu means black, slave, robber, thief and a way layer."

    Hinduism is the oldest religion

    The ancient scriptures of India claim the religion is originally established by God Himself (dharman tu sakshad bhagavat pranitam). From the scriptural viewpoint, this religion or dharma, manifests after every creation by the will of the Lord.

    Vedic religion is therefore known as sanatana dharma, or the "eternal religion", for it predates all man-made conceptions of time and space. We should not confuse this sanatana dharma with any sectarian religious faith, for the true sanatana dharma is the very function of the soul, as inseparable as liquidity from water..."

    From the scriptural viewpoint, this religion or dharma, manifests after every creation by the will of the Lord. After the present cyclical creation, the Supreme Lord Narayana instructed the first living entity within the universe, Brahma, in the matters of religion. Brahma in turn instructed this same science to his son, Narada, who in turn passed this knowledge on to his disciple Vyasa Mahamuni. In this way the ancient religion has been passed down in a chain of disciplic succession directly from God for countless millions of years.

    sanatana dharma is the very function of the soul, as inseparable as liquidity from water.

    sanatana-dharma (eternal religion), vaidika-dharma (religion of the Vedas), bhagavata-dharma (religion of God), etc. This dharma is ever fresh and eternal.
  2. Aum

    Aum New Member

    For hundreds of years, many people have searched for some evidence of the founder of Hinduism. The religion, which is open to interpretation, is a collection of paths to wisdom that is based on human reasoning rather than a divine authority and a finger cannot be pointed at a specific founder.

    The earliest indications of the term Hindu come from the Punjab and the Indus Valley in India. The culture that was established in the third millennium BC is evidenced in the excavations of two cities. If you lived in that region, no matter what religion you believed, you became known as a Hindu or Hindu Muslim.

    Located by rivers, the culture used water for irrigating the fertile plains. The people not only used the river for bathing but also for ritual cleansings. The waters became known as 'rivers of life' and therefore presumed to be sacred. Hindus believe that 'religion' is just another aspect of their bodies as is breathing.

    The temples that have been found have no indication of a primary deity. There are many 'gods' and 'goddesses' as symbols of creativity and the ongoing flow of life. Each village had its own unique statue to worship. The aspect of politics mixed with religion models ancient Babylonia, where the ruler was seen as a 'son' of the mother-goddess.

    Thus, this religion was subject to new philosophies that changed with time. Hinduism consists of a wide range of beliefs that are not related to the other at all. There is no known founder of Hinduism, no creed, no single source of authority. All related Hindu philosophies share just a resemblance to each other. There is no defined beginning as with other religions.

    Hinduism contains a vast body of scriptures. Divided as Śruti (revealed) and Smriti (remembered) and developed over millennia, these scriptures expound on theology, philosophy and mythology, and provide spiritual insights and guidance on the practice of dharma (religious living). In the orthodox view, among such texts, the Vedas and the Upanishads are the foremost in authority, importance and antiquity. Other major scriptures include the Tantras, the sectarian Agamas, the Purāṇas and the epics Mahābhārata and Rāmāyaṇa. The Bhagavad Gītā, a treatise excerpted from the Mahābhārata, is sometimes called a summary of the spiritual teachings of the Vedas.

    The earliest evidence for elements of Hinduism date back to the late Neolithic to the early Harappan period (5500–2600BCE). The beliefs and practices of the pre-classical era (1500–500BCE) are called the "historical Vedic religion". Modern Hinduism grew out of the Vedas, the oldest of which is the Rigveda, dated to 1700–1100BCE.[46] The Vedas center on worship of deities such as Indra, Varuna and Agni, and on the Soma ritual. They performed fire-sacrifices, called yajña and chanted Vedic mantras but did not build temples or icons.[citation needed] The oldest Vedic traditions exhibit strong similarities to Zoroastrianism and with other Indo-European religions.[47] During the Epic and Puranic periods, the earliest versions of the epic poems Ramayana and Mahabharata were written roughly from 500–100BCE,[48] although these were orally transmitted for centuries prior to this period.[49] The epics contain mythological stories about the rulers and wars of ancient India, and are interspersed with religious and philosophical treatises. The later Puranas recount tales about devas and devis, their interactions with humans and their battles against demons.

    Hinduism is a religious traditionthat originated in the Indian subcontinent. Hinduism is often referred to as Sanātana Dharma (सनातन धर्म) by its practitioners, a Sanskrit phrase meaning "the eternal path" or "the eternal law".[2]

    Three major movements underpinned the naisance of a new epoch of Hindu thought: the advents and spread of Upanishadic, Jaina, and Buddhist philosophico-religious thought throughout the broader Indian landmass. [50] The Upanishads, Mahavira (founder of Jainism) and Buddha (founder of Buddhism) taught that to achieve moksha or nirvana, one did not have to accept the authority of the Vedas or the caste system. Buddha went a step further and claimed that the existence of a Self/soul or God was unnecessary. Buddhism and Jainism adapted elements of Hinduism into their beliefs. Buddhism (or at least Buddhistic Hinduism) peaked during the reign of Asoka the Great of the Mauryan Empire, who unified the Indian subcontinent in the 3rd century BCE. After 200CE, several schools of thought were formally codified in Indian philosophy, including Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Purva-Mimamsa and Vedanta. Charvaka, the founder of an atheistic materialist school, came to the fore in North India in the sixth century BCE.[53] Between 400BCE and 1000CE, Hinduism expanded at the expense of Buddhism.

    one of the most complex of all religious systems. It is difficult to provide adequate history of Hinduism because it has no specific founder or theology. The development of this religion was influenced when light-skinned nomadic Aryan Indo-European tribes invaded Northern India BC from Russia and Central Asia attacking the Harappan people who lived there in 1500.

    Hinduism is not a religion. It's a way of life. This is the most ancient religion known as of now. There are thousands of rishis and knowledgeble people contributed to its growth. All the teachings of Hinduism advocates "Humanitarian Values" in all the writings. Advices pertaining to every aspects of human life, health, social, personal, inter personal, physical,psychological, and such every phases can be found in hinduism to live a life

    satisfactorily and fulfilment. Hinduism is the only religion in the world which can cater to the all human needs in the world. This is the mother of all religions. Every religion in the World is inpired and copied many good principles by the Hindu philosophy and there is no leader who has not inspired by this philosophy

    Hinduism is also called as the "Sanatana Dharma". In Sanskrit, the original language of India, 'Sanatana' means Everlasting and 'Dharma', means Religion.

    Hinduism, is open to interpretation, and is a collection of a path to wisdom, which is based on reasoning more than a divine authority and does not have any specific founder.

    For hundreds of years, many people have searched for some evidence of the founder of Hinduism. The religion, which is open to interpretation, is a collection of paths to wisdom that is based on human reasoning rather than a divine authority and a finger cannot be pointed at a specific founder.

    Hinduism is the oldest religion of all world religions. For hundreds of years, it has been searched for some evidence about its founder, but no one could point a finger at a specific founder or its date of origin. Even the authors of its sacred texts are largely unknown. The system exists from time immemorial and there is no exact beginning of this religion. It has no particular fonder but has many Rishis, Saints, Gurus, and leaders who reformed and revived the existing culture and traditions. It has developed out of Brahmanism.

    Hinduism cannot be described as an organized religion. It is not founded by any individual. Hinduism is God centred and therefore one can call Hinduism as founded by God, because the answer to the question ‘Who is behind the eternal principles and who makes them work?’ will have to be ‘Cosmic power, Divine power, God’

    Several hundred sages, seers & thinkers interpreted, re-interpreted and so on starting with the four Vedas, commentaries on them & comemntaries on commentaries called Upanishads, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Bhashyams etc. This is the (accepted) core of so-called Hinduism - Vaidicism, from the Vedas. There is much more outside of these by way of Philosophy, rituals & beliefs. One of the Savants by name Gautama, the Bud`dha (enlightened one) who was prince Siddhartha before he became a Parivrajaka (=monk) was the cause of the cult that became separate religion (by popular consent now), questioning & rivaling the Vaidic practices. Later day Hinduism incorporated Bud`dha as one of the ten incarnations of Vishnu and hence one of the Hindu fold though the claim is refuted vehemently. Jainism evolved as a separate thought & is recognised as different from Hinduism, though none can tell apart a Jain from a Hindu, in anything whatsoever.

    ========= What does Hindu mean? ================
    "Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevayah"

    Though the real name of Hinudism is the Sanatan dharma. Sanatan means universal and/or eternal. But the name "Hinduism" has become popular worldwide. Many a times some people from other religions try to dig their heads into the word "Hindu".

    Hindu in short is person who lives pious vedic life.

    The word "Hindu" itself holds a very pious meaning. It is as follows:

    The Sanskrit meaning of Hindu is " HINAM DUNOTI ITI HINDU"...One who beats unhealthy thoughts and activities, is called by the name "HINDU".

    Second Answer, According to Paniniya Grammer , the word Hindu is made from two different words-

    According to pratyahar Syastem
    Hi means Himalaya and Indu means Moon.

    Thus the meaning becomes
    " Hindu is one whose thoughts are that like of Himalaya and who loves each living being just like that of Moonlight.

    In short Hindu is the term used for people who believe in Vedic way of life, Follow Veda, Vedanta, Upnishads, Shrimad Bhagvat Gita and believe in the Law of yoga, karma, and Incarnation etc.

    "Hari Om Tat Sat"
  3. Ignorant

    Ignorant New Member

    Ever wondered who is the founder of Hinduism? Almost 99 percent of the world religion has a founder or someone who has laid down the principles of the flourished religion. Say for example Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ or as critically acclaimed Paul, Islam was founded by Hazrat Prophet Mohammed, similarly Buddhism was founded by Lord Buddha and so are other religions.

    Who is the Founder of Hinduism Religion?
    Its a common trait of human nature which takes for granted that every religion has a founder or at least a person or an individual who has preached it. So, who founded Hinduism religion? There is no single Individual; who has founded this religion or can be said as the founder of Hinduism religion. In simple words Hinduism is not a religion at all. Its a way of life.

    For centuries it has been debated as a Religion but if one has an in depth knowledge about this Sanatan Dharma, it can be more emphasized as a way of life which is not limited to an indigenous aspect.
    The modern day Hindu Religion follows a mixed up instruction of Vedic commandments and teachings from Maharishis (sages) and Brahman priests since ages. With the wheels of time it was molded in different regions, castes and ethnicity but it always retained the basic principles of living the way of life as instructed since centuries.

    As Vedas are the foundation pillars of Hinduism and is believed to be jotted down as instructions from God, in the form of Vedas, directly by saints and sages. It has been passed on from generations after generation in the Hindu Society. Hence, at the end we can conclude that God – the supreme Almighty (na adi na anth) is the sole founder of Hinduism.
  4. Amit

    Amit New Member

    Ever wondered who is the founder of Hinduism? Almost 99 percent of the world religion has a founder or someone who has laid down the principles of the flourished religion. Say for example Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ or as critically acclaimed Paul, Islam was founded by Hazrat Prophet Mohammed, similarly Buddhism was founded by Lord Buddha and so are other religions.

    Who is the Founder of Hinduism Religion?
    Its a common trait of human nature which takes for granted that every religion has a founder or at least a person or an individual who has preached it. So, who founded Hinduism religion? There is no single Individual; who has founded this religion or can be said as the founder of Hinduism religion. In simple words Hinduism is not a religion at all. Its a way of life.

    For centuries it has been debated as a Religion but if one has an in depth knowledge about this Sanatan Dharma, it can be more emphasized as a way of life which is not limited to an indigenous aspect.
    The modern day Hindu Religion follows a mixed up instruction of Vedic commandments and teachings from Maharishis (sages) and Brahman priests since ages. With the wheels of time it was molded in different regions, castes and ethnicity but it always retained the basic principles of living the way of life as instructed since centuries.

    As Vedas are the foundation pillars of Hinduism and is believed to be jotted down as instructions from God, in the form of Vedas, directly by saints and sages. It has been passed on from generations after generation in the Hindu Society. Hence, at the end we can conclude that God – the supreme Almighty (na adi na anth) is the sole founder of Hinduism.
  5. rakovsky

    rakovsky New Member

    Hello, Garry!

    I find your post below quite interesting because you are right that hinduism is one of the oldest religions. Strictly speaking though I think it is not the oldest. This is because I think it's a combination of Dravidian religion (like Krishna or various local South Indian deities) and Indo-European religion (like Indra, Varuna, Dyaus Pita). Therefore, Hinduism as we call it, this combination, would be preceded by those two other religious systems.

    When it comes to civilizations, apparently the Indus civilization is more impressive than the known IndoEuropean civilizations of 3500-2000 BC, Minoans and Hurrians. And so it's a very interesting question what the Indus religion looked like in 3500-2000 BC, going first of all on archaeology as most reliable and definite, but with support from Hinduism. May I invite you to my forum thread:
    May one establish what were the deities of the Indus Valley Civilization?


    Isn't it hard to establish a set date for that?

    You say:
    • SINDH (HINDU): -3000: Hindu religion weaving in Sindh near East and Indus- (Sarasvati) Valley.
    What do you mean by that?

    Can you please translate that?

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