What is the reason the population of people intrested with same sex as their's (bisexual) incresing day by day? Conversation between Raja Janak (father of mother Sita)& Mahabhagwat Sri Yamraji (King of Hellish planet) This one had sex with his friends wife that had confided in him, therefore I am having him roasted on an iron stake for thousand years. Afterwards he will be born as a PIG. Then when he again takes birth in a human body he will be born a EUNUCH. This one repeatedly raped the wife of another man. Therefore he will be roasted in the hell known as Raurava for a hundred years. This wicked one stole the wealth of others& enjoyed it. Therefore, having cutt off his hands, i shall cook him in puss & blood. This one did not honor or welcome even with words, a guest who had come to him, oppressed by hunger. He will be dropped into the tamisara hell, which is full of fire. There, bees will torment him for a hundred years. This shameless person loudly criticized another. This one here, with great intrest listened to that criticism many times. Therefore these two have fallen into dark well. Yamraja in his conversation said These sinners/person have never worhipped Bhagwan Vishnu. They have never listened to the transdental accounts of Lords activities which is the reason for their suffering. (However by the mercy of King Janak all sinners got liberated when he visited the hellish planet by giving them all the good fruits that he earned) Katha from Padma Puran (Patalkhand 18.31-77) All glories to Guru & Gauranga, Jai Srila Prabhupada ||HaRe KriShNa||