Why there are so many Gods in Hinduism?

Discussion in 'Myths and Misconceptions' started by Aum, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. Aum

    Aum New Member

    A must read article for all hindus and also others who have some doubts about Hinduism}}

    Simon Smite, Shwetakshi Sharma, Es Ra , Caralee Wilkins and many others have same question::

    Why there are so many Gods in Hinduism??

    Thank you for asking such a question I am waiting for someone to ask this question. I have given answer to this question in all my analysis in my recent posts. In this post we will examine some of my posts and examine is there is one God or there are many.

    First you have to learn what is God actually is::

    Lets examine what Bhagwat Gita say about it:

    Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Nine verse 4:

    "Sri Krishna said: By Me, in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them.

    Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Nine verse 6:

    "Sri Krishna said: Understand that as the mighty wind, blowing everywhere, rests always in the sky, all created beings rest in Me."

    Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Nine verse 8:

    "Sri Krishna said: The whole cosmic order is under Me. Under My will it is automatically manifested again and again, and under My will it is annihilated at the end."

    Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Two verse 17:

    "Sri Krishna said: Know that to be imperishable & indestructible, by which all this is pervaded; for none can bring about the destruction of this indestructible substance, the imperishable soul."

    Now everything which is present in whole universe this planet or that planet is manifestation of Brahman i.e Brahman present in everything everywhere, Brahman can be with form or without form.

    The Rig Veda says that by desire (RV 10.12.94), the initial manifestation of the material universe came into being from Hiranyagarbha (literally "golden womb"), out of which the world, organisms and divine beings (devas) arose:

    "Great indeed are the devas who have sprung out of Brahman." — Atharva Veda.

    Saguna Brahman with infinite attributes and is the source of the impersonal Nirguna Brahman, and Brahman's energy is regarded as Devi or shakti.

    Vishnu is traditionally derived from the root "Vish" which means to enter or pervade, and He is called Vishnu because He pervades the whole universe. Brahmanda Purana (1.4.25) says that He is called as Vishnu because He has entered into everything in the universe. The most important aspect is that the whole universe is covered by only three steps of Vishnu which is referred to several times in the Vedas (Rig Veda 1.22.17, 1.154. 3, 1.155.4, Atharva Veda 7.26.5, Yajur Veda 2.25). In His three steps rests the whole universe (Rig Veda 1.154.2, Yajur Veda 23.49). All indeed is Brahman, which can thus be identified with Vishnu, based on the Vedas.

    Brahman is neither limited to abstract or concrete concepts. But it is easier to establish a conscious relationship with the Providence in terms of benevolent fatherhood or an affectionate, kindly motherhood ....than by the concept of an unfathomable void.
    Brahman is devoid of qualities, in reality, ......but a relative superimposition of the positive ideals of goodness and virtue is essential for self-culture and spiritual progress of the aspirant.

    The Upasana or the worship of the Universal Mother leads to the attainment of the knowledge of the Self.

    The Yaksha Prasna in KenOpanishad supports this view.
    • Approach Her with an open heart.
    • Lay bare your mind with frankness and humility.
    • Let your thoughts be pure and sublime.
    • Become as simple as a child. Pulverise your individual entity, the egoistic nature, cunningness, selfishness and crookedness.
    • Make a total unreserved, ungrudging self-surrender to Her.
    • Chant Her Mantras.
    • Worship Her with faith and unflinching devotion.
    Please find the whole post here-->>

    Now one may say Krishna is manisfestation of Vishnu, then what about Shiva. Shiva and Vishnu are one and the same. Lets examine how:

    , let me quote from Annamaacharya, the great Vaak-geya-kaaraka of Aandhra Pradesh, in one of his divya sankeertana “Enta maatramuna evvaru talichina ….” says:

    How much ever one imagines that much only are You:

    For Vaishnavas You are Vishnu
    For Vedaantas You are Parabrahma
    For Shaivas and other bhaktas You are Shiva
    For Kaapaalikas You are Kaala-Bhairava
    For Shaakteyaas You are Shakti
    For people with alpa-buddhi You appear as alpam
    For people who know Your Garima and have Ghana-buddhi You are a Ghana
    For people who are Sharanaagati You are Venkateshvara.

    One episode from Mahabharat ::

    Once Shri Krishna, the avataar of Mahaavishnu, came to Upamanyu maharshi, when he was at Himaalayas. Shri Krishna said “Upamanyu muniindra! You are the greatest in the Shiva Bhaktas. I came here to do Tapas of Paramashiva to get santaanam. Please teach Me Shaiva-vidhi and vidhaanam”.

    Upamanyu replied “O Shri Krishna! I know who You are. Shiva puuja is not new to You. Though You know it, to make everybody know, I will tell You …” Saying thus, Upamanyu told Shri Krishna how to do Shiva-aaraadhana.

    There are thousands of such kind of Incidents in puranas, if I tell you them one by one memory of facebook will be scrapped.

    This happened after the episode of Naarada, coming under Vishnu maaya, gives shaapam to Vishnu: (This is one of the reasons of Shri Raama avatar)
    Naarada says “Svaami! Please forgive Me. I, coming under influence of Your maaya, got ahankaar and did Your ninda. Please tell Me what can save Me from this ghora-paapam”. Vishnu says:

    “O Priya Naarada! You go and do paaraayana of Shankara Shatanaamams. Then You will get Shaanti. Shiva is whom I respect the most. Even by mistake dont forget this. One who doesnt have Shiva-anugraham cannot be My Bhakta. Believe this … Then My maaya wont affect you.”

    Once Vyaasa Bhagavaan came under the influence of Shiva-maaya and started telling in his Pravachanams that Vishnu is greater than Shiva. Once Nandeeshvara also heard Vyaasa Bhagavaan saying this. Vishnu Murty then appeared before Veda Vyaasa and told Him “O Maharshi! Dont you know that I and Shiva are the same? Knowing this why are you telling like this in your pravachanams?” Veda Vyaasa then had great pashchaattaapam and asked Kshama from Nandeeshvara.

    The phalam of Vishnu Pooja is Shiva Bhakti — the example is that of Arjuna. Arjuna ofcourse was the greatest Shri Krishna Bhakta. But it was Shiva who gave Arjuna moksham, when Arjuna was born as Bhakta Kannappa, in the great Kaalahastsi Kshetram.

    Similarly the phalam of Shiva Pooja is Shri Raama Bhakti — the examples are stories of Kaaka Bhushundi and Valmiki Maharshi. Kaaka Bhushundi was a great Shiva Bhakta and hence Shiva grants him Raama Bhakti Saamraajyam. Valmiki did tapas for Shiva using the Panchaakshari mantram given to him by the great Saptarshis and as a result became the Aadi Kavi and wrote the great Raamaayanam.

    That means what you thinks of God, because of your devotion and love, God becomes what you think.
    Shankaracharya of Advaita philosophy says there is nothing but God in this world. That means everything in this world is manifestion of the God’s power.

    Rig Veda 1.164.46 tells the same truth:

    Indram Mitram Varunamagnimahuratho divyaha sa suparano garutamaan |
    Ekam sadvipro bahuda vandyatyagnim yamam maatarishwaanmaahuh ||

    ‘They (the men of wisdom) call him Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Agni, and he is the heavenly, noble-winged Garutman. The God is one, but sages call it by many names; they call it Agni, Yama, Matarishvan (and so on).

    Now question arises that if God is one what about quarrels about two god and one god is helping other??

    One may now wonder why Puranas mention Shiva, Vishnu, Agni, Yama, Indra, etc as seperate Gods/demigods. This question has been answered by great prophets like Ramanujacharya and Madhwacharya as below:

    Antaryami (residing in the heart or the source) of each demigods is one God, which the prophets called as Lord Vishnu. The prayers when addressed to gods it is addressed to “antaryami” of each devata which is Vishnu (or Narayana or Krishna). This is also emphaised in Srimad Bhagavatam. Everything in this world is a manifestation of the God. Dvaitha and Vishistadwaitha philosophies of Ramanujacharya and Madhwacharya infact gave clearer picture of Vedas.

    These are called as leelas of one God, so that normal Human Being can get teaching and morals from that story, cant you recycle your memory in go into childhood when your dadi nani told you a story about Hanuman, Vishnu, Shiva and give a moral line after that. The is the basic meaning.
  2. Aum

    Aum New Member

    Please find the whole post from here-->> http://www.thehinduforum.com/threads/what-is-difference-between-shiva-and-shankara.1103/#post-2076
    God Manifests according to love of devotee:

    You should first consider that God is one. He can manifest himself according to love of devotee. If you love him as Krishna he will remain Krishna for you, if you love him as Shiva he will be remain Shiva for you. As Krishna says in Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Four-Verse 11 also.

    "Sri Krishna says to Arjuna: Howsoever, men approach Me & surrender unto Me, even so do I seek them; for all men follow Me & My path in all respects."

    i.e whoever you worship, you actually worship one God in different form or manifestations.

    Now question arises why God take form?

    From Thirumanthiram:

    "Descending from the sky (Supreme state), taking form according to the karama (accumulated by the soul), providing the cool feet as the great protection, melting (the soul) from inside, showing the fountainhead of peerless bliss, (God) got rid of my dirt!"

    i.e The Shiva who is beyond forms and names, in order to lift up the souls who are suffering due to the dirty parasite called "ANavam",takes forms appropriate to the karma we have accumulated. These are the shivalinga and mAheshwara murthams
    All these forms are to help us hold on to the Divine. We hold these forms according to our tendencies. They help us open the fountain-head of bliss.

    Also, from Sivagnana Sidhdhiyar

    " (God) Taking forms (rupa), standing beyond the forms as formless (arupa) and when taking formless-form (arupa-rupa - linga) got both aspects (form and formless). All the three are due to the Grace that came to help us get rid of our births. "

    i.e Formless, formless-form (shivalinga) and form are the three ways God stands. All the three are for us to worship and get uplifted.

    Vishnu, Shiva, Ganesha etc and their abode are real and symbolic meaning both. God take form and do leelas so that their devotees learn from their leelas. Many of us search the symbolic meaning of these leelas. Every leela have some story and some moral value so that devotee seek God in that form and learn something from that. You have to seek knowledge from that whether it is symbolic meaning or real moral values. Many see Ramayan and Mahabharat in a symbolic meaning and other see that a real event, it is upto you how you want to interpret. Both have some meaning and own values.

    did Shiva walk on Earth? This question become answered by above explanation. whole earth is his why cant he walk on earth. He is infinite and as small as atom he is arupa but can have rupa.

    See what Adi Shankaracharya about Shiva ::

    "" Forgive me
    Oh, Shiva
    My three great sins!
    I came on a pilgrimage to Kashi forgetting that, you are omnipresent.
    In thinking about you I forgot that, You are beyond thought.
    In praying to You I forgot that, You are beyond words.""

    Om, I am neither the mind, intelligence, ego, nor ‘chitta,’
    Nor the senses of smell and sight, neither ether, nor air,
    I am Eternal Bliss and Awareness. I am Shiva! I am Shiva!

    I am neither the ‘prana,’ nor the five vital breaths,
    Neither the seven elements of the body, nor its five sheaths,
    Nor hands, nor feet, nor tongue, nor other organs of action.
    I am Eternal Bliss and Awareness. I am Shiva! I am Shiva!

    Neither fear, greed, nor delusion, loathing, nor liking have I,
    Nothing of pride, of ego, of 'dharma' or Liberation,
    Neither desire of the mind, nor objects for its desiring.
    I am Eternal Bliss and Awareness. I am Shiva! I am Shiva!

    Nothing of pleasure and pain, of virtue and vice, do I know,
    Of mantra, of sacred place, of Vedas or Sacrifice,
    Neither I am the eater, the food or the act of eating.
    I am Eternal Bliss and Awareness. I am Shiva! I am Shiva!

    Death or fear, I have none, nor any distinction of 'caste,'
    Neither father, nor mother, nor even a birth, have I,
    Neither friend, nor comrade, neither disciple, nor guru.
    I am Eternal Bliss and Awareness. I am Shiva! I am Shiva!

    I have no form or fancy, the All Pervading am I,
    Everywhere I exist, and yet I am beyond the senses,
    Neither salvation am I, nor anything to be known.
    I am Eternal Bliss and Awareness. I am Shiva! I am Shiva!

    Adi Shankaracharya, Tad Niskala


    Everything is manifestation of God, Please refer this post-->>
    God is one and Only but called by many names according to their faith and culture. As from Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Four verse 11)

    "Sri Krishna says to Arjuna: Howsoever, men approach Me & surrender unto Me, even so do I seek them; for all men follow Me & My path in all respects.

    So as per above said words of God, the only thing necessary in life is to have faith in God & it is immaterial in which form you seek him. If you have faith in Him & you Love Him, then it is for sure that God shall be with you always & shall reciprocate to the Love that you shower on Him.

    Please find full post here-->>


    religion is related to this body, which disappears in time & not of the Soul which is permanent & remains even after death. So if you believe yourself to be a body which has a particular religion, then that body & religion related to that body of yours shall die with the death of that body but if you think yourself to be a SOUL then you shall live beyond this body. But remember, you cannot subscribe any religion to the Soul.

    So now you tell me whether you are a Hindu , a Muslim, a Christian, a Parsi, a Jew??????? In case you think yourself to be of any religion then that religion of yours shall be with you till you have this body on earth. But if you think yourself to be a Soul then you are beyond any religion as SOUL cannot be subscribed any religion.

    The above mortality of human body & immortality of Soul is beautifully described all through Bhagwat Gita & here below are few verses related to that:

    Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Two verse 13:

    "Sri Krishna said: Just as boyhood, youth & old age are attributed to the soul & the embodied soul continuously passes through these cycles, similarly the embodied soul passes into another body at death. The wise man does not get deluded & bewildered with such a change."

    Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Two verse 16:

    "Sri Krishna said: The unreal has no existence, and the real never ceases to be; the reality of both has thus been perceived by the seers of the truth."

    Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Two verse 17:

    "Sri Krishna said: Know that to be imperishable & indestructible, by which all this is pervaded; for none can bring about the destruction of this indestructible substance, the imperishable soul."

    Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Two verse 18:

    "Sri Krishna said: All these bodies pertaining to the indestructible, immeasurable and eternal living entity / soul are spoken of as perishable; therefore, fight, Arjuna."

    Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Two verse 20:

    "Sri Krishna said: The soul is never born nor dies at any time. Soul has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. Soul is unborn, eternal, ever-existing and primeval. Soul is not slain when the body is slain."

    Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Two verse 22:

    "Sri Krishna said: As a human being puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones."
  3. Aum

    Aum New Member

  4. garry420

    garry420 Well-Known Member

    Why do Hindus believe in many idols?

    Hindus worship God in His various forms as well as the formless aspect of God, as Hinduism teaches that ‘there is nothing but God’, that is, ‘God is in everything’. Some Hindus may worship a certain form of God for specific reasons, such as Sree Ganesh is worshipped to remove obstacles, Sree Dattatreya to overcome ancestral souls’ (pitar/poorvaj) trouble, the Mother Goddess to acquire divine energy (shakti) and supernatural powers (siddhi), etc.

    Each idol is a representation of a Deity or Divine Energy. There are millions of Divine Energies and aspects of the Divine, each with a specific divine function in the universe. For example, the specific divine function or main divine aspect of Brahma is Creation (utpatti), while that of Sree Vishnu is Sustenance (sthiti) and of Shiva is destruction (laya.)

    Depending on the mission of Its particular Incarnation, the Divine may take a form accordingly. For example, while most forms of Deities show the Deity’s ‘Savior of devotees’ aspect (symbolised by the Deity’s hand raised in blessing) and ‘Destroyer of evil’ aspect (symbolised by the Deity’s weapon carrying hand), the destroyer form of Sree Durga has weapons and destroyer symbols in all Her hands.

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